Borders, Language, Culture (Savage)

Milwaukee frozen custard shop defends 'English only' policy

[‘We can’t be the United Nations’: Milwaukee frozen custard shop defends ‘English only’ policy by Katie Mettler Washington Post] " On Tuesday, Joey Sanchez stepped up to the counter of Leon’s Frozen Custard, a 70-year-old Milwaukee staple, and listened to the customer in front of him place his order in Spanish.

The shop is located on the city’s south side, in a neighborhood with a large Hispanic population. Sanchez thought nothing of it.

Then he heard the server’s response.

“She whispered to him in Spanish, ‘I’m not allowed to speak Spanish to you,’ ” Sanchez told TV station Fox 6 Now.

Sanchez was shocked.

So when it came his turn to order, he, too, used his native tongue.

“I’m not allowed to speak Spanish to you,” Sanchez said the server repeated.

He posted his experience to social media, WISN 12 News reported, and soon the community was rallying around what critics called a racist — and illegal — employee policy. Customers on Twitter used the hashtag #BoycottLeons. And the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has even called on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to launch a federal investigation into the “English only” rule.

But Leon’s owner Ron Schneider has remained steadfast amid the uproar, staunchly defending the “English only” rule that he told Fox 6 Now has been in place for nearly a decade, noting that his wife and children are Hispanic.

“Hey, c’mon! It is America,” Schneider told the TV station. “We’ve spoken English for a long, long time.”

The owner said he worries the work flow would suffer and things would get “disruptive” if the business had to “become bilingual, trilingual or anything else.” Customers might order in a non-English language once and then expect the same accommodation forever.

“We can’t be the United Nations,” Schneider told WISN 12 News. “They got translators. We don’t.”

Schneider told FOX 6 News that if an employee spoke a different language to a customer, they likely wouldn’t be fired — but they could expect a chat with the boss..." Full text: ‘We can’t be the United Nations’: Milwaukee frozen custard shop defends ‘English only’ policy Gen. 11:5–9, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


Identity Politics



Role Reversal: Chrislam America & Christian Russia

One World Government/Religion

On The Dirty Yak Watch

Voter Fraud






Egalitarian Society

China Rising 





Change You Can Believe In

Big Climate

Big Banking

Christian Persecution

Dreams & Visions    




US Dept of Education

PsyOp:  Civil War in America  

US Department of Agriculture 

Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories



Just a System



Alate_One View Post SD How would you feel if you went to Germany and tried to order in English but were told by the server that you weren't allowed to order in English even though several employees spoke English fluently?...

It's all about your feelings (Gen. 11:5–9, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

ok doser View Post Go to a restaurant in Quebec and try to order in English and see how far you get.

When I ordered a Wienerschnitzel in Germany, I thought I'd get a hot dog. Instead, I got a flat, squished something or other. You deal with it. Gen. 11:5–9

'Homeland' Transporting Illegals From Border

...Releasing Vanloads Into US
Gen. 11:5–9, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

champdefrene View Post
...[T]here are shops in Wales where the shopkeepers refuse to communicate in English...


Feds Secretly Releasing Violent Criminal Aliens En Masse 

Illegal aliens flood in from everywhere

...Central America, China, Romania

Paper: Illegal aliens resort to abducting children at border

...Appear to be family, take advantage of lax enforcement policies

San Francisco Pushing For Illegal Aliens to Vote

TB Cases Rising

Update: Over 100 Syrian Refugees Entering US -- Per Day Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Refugees Sent To Colorado with Active Tuberculosis 

Border Breakdown: Traffickers Rent High-End Buses for Passage into US   

ISIS Terror Attack Sodomite Club Orlando, FL

Twitter Bans User Calling For Mosque Watch

Reddit Bans Users, Deletes 'Muslim' Comments  

FL Governor: Don't Send Refugees into my State  

Refugees With Active TB Sent To Kentucky, Indiana and Florida  

480,000 Overstayed Visas Last Year  

House OKs military plan to recruit illegal aliens

Flashback: Army plans to layoff 40,000 soldiers  

Chart: Obama Admin. On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Bioweapon: Eradicated Diseases Return To US

Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate ‘World Refugee Day’ Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Feds Move Forward with 'Hotel' for Illegal Aliens

18.7 Million Immigrants Exempt From Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America  

Idaho rape: Obama prosecutor 'silencing Americans with threats of arrest'

Illegals with TB Spread Around States

TB: WI  

170,000 convicts ignoring deportation

Central American Gangs Committing Horrific Crimes in US

...Decapitation, Stoning

US accepts record number of Syrian refugees in June despite screening worries  

Is America heading toward a clash of civilizations?  

Vermont Admits 17 Refugees Diagnosed With Active TB 

TB Spike in Colorado; 16 Refugees Diagnosed 

Food stamp program more likely to give benefits to illegal alien families

Mother of Idaho girl raped by refugees: Authorities withholding police report from family  

Settlement of Syrian Refugees in US Accelerates 

Paul Ryan Promises Endless Supply of Cheap Foreign Workers for Employers 

Hospital Refuses to Release Medical Records of Five-Year-Old Idaho Victim Raped By Muslim Migrants  

Kerry Suck it Up: Hard to stop attack like one in Nice  

Paul Ryan Launches TV Ads On Curbing Refugees -- After Approving Visas For 300K Muslim Migrants

  6,726 Syrian Refugees Admitted to USA This Year -- Only 23 Christians

Paul Ryan Flees Grieving Moms Trying To Show Him Photos Of Their Children Killed By His Open Borders Agenda 

Obama Expanding Refugee Program for Central America

Mex Border Agency Flooding USA With Illegals 

U.S. city rolls over for radical mosque

Illegal alien sexually assaults 7-year-old girl

'Homeland Security' Grants Syrians 'Temporary Amnesty' in US

Feds Advertise Safe Zones for Illegal Aliens   

Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries 

Arrested ISIS Sympathizer Claims Fellow Militants Are In Mexico   

Politicians, Media Trying to Stifle Idaho Refugee Rape Story

...‘Just Not The Same Happy Little Girl’ Says Mom

Syrian refugees flocking into the US - Heavy security concerns 

Panama agrees to help refugees head to US 

ISIS Waiting in Mexico

...Brag Border Wide Open

...Secret 'hit squads' hiding among migrants

New Soros Seed Rises: Tim Kaine Dines with Billionaire Son

...Hacked Emails Show Soros Plot to Undermine Israel

...Shield Islam  

U.S. accepts more Syrian refugees than all of EU: 8,000 vs. 6,000 

Half of all Refugees Admitted to US this Year: Muslim


Town orders American flags removed from fire trucks

Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border 

Southern Command Warns Sunni Extremists Infiltrating From South  

The Berean View Post
Latino-owned Business Growth Outpaces Total US Business Growth

What do you have against Latinos? Ac 17:26  

The Berean View Post Are Hispanics America's Next Great stem innovators?

What do you have against so-called Hispanics? Ac 17:26

The Berean View Post What does this even mean? I am posting good news about Latinos. I am Latino and Hispanic and a mechanical engineer in the aerospace industry.

To you this is good new. I'm not speaking with a KKK member.

The Berean View Post You thought I was a KKK member?

I need to buy a vowel.  

Condi Rice Also Has No Recollection Of Hillary’s Email Convo With Colin Powell Ex 20:16

Iran Expanding Terror Network in Latin America

Southern Command Warns Sunni Extremists Infiltrating From South 

Illegals Tell Border Agents: 'Obama Said It Was OK to Come' 

Obama marks Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha with call to accept refugees

Mexico builds wall against migrants

Obama: Interested in Muslim Refugees Not Christian Refugees

White House to increase number of refugees to 110k in 2017

Feds Grant Citizenship to 800 Immigrants with Security Concerns

MN Restaurant Posts 'Muslims Get Out' Sign On Marquee  

Terrorists Slip Through Immigration Process 

Texas to stop refugee aid as Obama plans more resettlements  

Alabama: Can't find job because don't speak Spanish 

Van With Cannon Used to Shoot Drugs Across US-Mexico Border Re 9:21

Airline Moves Woman For Pakistani Monks That Can't Sit Next To Female

Obama Syrian Refugee Tally '16: 12,486 Muslims, 68 Christians

Illegal in Phoenix Deadly Crash Drank 12 Beers, Cocaine

Americans Don’t Have Any Right to Block Islamic Immigration, Says Tim Kaine

Fact-Check: No, Discriminating Among Immigrants on National Origin Is Not Unconstitutional

Kaine: ‘Terrorist Threat Has Decreased In Some Ways,’ ‘Parts of the World That Are Challenging’

Obama Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases

...Surge in border crossing

...Wire: Barely Half Caught Illegally Entering

... Rate Much Higher Than 'Homeland' Talking Point

Obama Rushes 900 Refugees In Day

Illegal Aliens Sexually Assault 70,000 American Women

296 Refugees Diagnosed with Active TB in Minnesota

Illegal Alien Deported Ten Times Since 2010 Charged With Child Rape

Wikileaks Reveals–Hillary Clinton to Goldman Sachs: Americans Who Want to Limit Immigration Are ‘Fundamentally UnAmerican’

Record 65 Million Non-English Speakers in US

...Arabic Fasting Growing

Billboard encourages young women get a 'sugar daddy' to avoid deportation  

Border Flood Before Vote

Illegal Alien Protesters Shut Down George Washington Bridge

Beverly Hills' Chanel Debuts Hijabs on Rodeo Drive Mannequins  

Gen. 11:5–9, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

aCultureWarrior View Post Michael Savage is a fraud. Last night I was listening to his radio program and he belittled "the white man" (i.e. Europeans that brought Christianity to America) for "raping" the Indians of their land.

The ego maniac from San Francisco is also a huge fan of secular humanist Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

When you return I would like to talk about this fraud named Michael Savage.

...Because we've treated American Indians so well.

That Christianity thing that the Europeans brought to a land of pagans was a real bummer huh?

...Because our culture is so superior.   Ps 33:12

Try and focus here, you must listen to Mike Savage, tell me what you like about him.

Mostly that he's a New Yorker. 

Now that you're back, let's talk about egomaniac and Trump supporter Michael Savage. After all, you did name your thread after one of his books.

I would not say that Savage lives for self--maybe lives for his dog (like me)--but not for self.

 He has a 3 hour radio program, which about 2 1/2 hours of it is dedicated to promoting his books, talking about his past, how smart he is, and yes, his dog. Egomania is a mental disorder.

 I think he genuinely cares about people.  But, what do I know?  

But is it from a Christian perspective? I think not.

No, he's not a Christian. What, you hate all people who aren't believers? What about that love the sinner hate the sin concept?

He had a dream about an owl that he thought was significant. I shot him an email about what I thought it might mean.

Sidebar: Those dreams and visions are going over like a lead balloon here (devil Baptists).

What, he didn't convince you into voting for Trump? Traitor!

He thinks Trump can save the country. I don't happen to agree with him. There is such a thing as judgment you know (Ps 33:12).


America Will Not Repent

I should call Savage some night and point out of few facts about his "savior". He'd hang up on me after about 5 seconds.

He doesn't have ears to hear. Wheat has ears. Tares do not. Wheat bows down. Tares do not.  Matt. 13:24–30

Corpses of illegals litter border

3,210 Syrian Refugees So Far in 2016; Up 675% from 2015; 99.1% Are Muslims  

WikiLeaks: Bill Clinton Told Donors Border Won't Be Secure 'For A Very Long Time'

Judge Calls Obama Out Over Lack of Christian Refugees  

East Texas Child Murdered by Previously Deported Illegal Alien 

Police: 10 Yr 0ld Girl Found Dead In Well Killed By Illegal Alien 

Horror and fear strikes the Muslim world as Trump wins after months of anti-Islamic rhetoric 

Trump Win : Immigration Lawyers Face Anxious Clients 

Illegal aliens start to self deport

Emanuel Tells Undocumented Immigrants Chicago ‘Always Will Be A Sanctuary City’

Trump looks to ban Muslim Brotherhood 

Immigration hardliner says Trump team preparing plans for wall, mulling Muslim registry 

Report: Border Agents Ordered to Leave Corridor Open

2/3 Illegals Admitted Under Obama 'Minor' Program are Adults  

Illegal Alien Nicknamed 'Taliban' Sentenced to Life in Prison After Shooting Death of an American Student

Illegal Immigrant Ordered Deported — Now Accused of Raping Minor

Texas Fisherman Murdered on Border Lake 

Record number of Somalis entering America as refugees 

City Pledges to ‘Welcome’ Illegal Aliens  

Report: 820,000 criminal illegals, 84% with felonies, serious misdemeanors

Refugee resettlement accelerates in Obama's final months

...Admissions of Syrians, Somalis ahead of last year's pace

ISIS Lists American Churches to Attack During the Holidays

Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every 'major building'

Mexico eyes border, migration as leverage in talks with Trump

Every 33 seconds immigrant added to US

15,479 Syrian Refugees Have Been Admitted This Year

Migrant Construction Worker Allegedly Caused Death of 5-Year-Old

Illegal Charged with Rape Had 19 Deportations

Airports, airlines recovering from U.S. Customs computer outage

Trump team seeks data on border barriers, surveillance Am 8:5, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

1,565 Refugees Diagnosed with Active TB Since 2012, Three Times More Than Previously Reported

Vid: Immigration Official Okays Syrian Immigrants With Fake Passports 

California Lt. Gov: We’ll Stop Trump’s Wall with Environmental Suits  

 'Immigrant-Rights' Rallies Held in 50 Cities 

Mexico warns Trump on tariffs: We'll respond 'immediately' Deut. 32:8

Undocumented worker sues San Francisco for violating sanctuary law  

Mexico Warns It Is Ready To Quit NAFTA If Trump Crosses “Red Lines” Deut. 32:8

Sanctuary cities see legal holes in Trump's orders 

Mayor Orders End to Sanctuary City Policy in Miami-Dade County  

US judge bars deportations under Trump travel ban

...Obama-Appointed, Schumer-Allied

George Soros-Financed Groups Scheme to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order

Teacher Receives Pushback After She Compared a ‘Build the Wall’ Shirt to a Swastika

Trump to Enlist Local Police in Illegal Immigration Crackdown

...Expands power of immigration officers

Customs agents ignore judge, enforce Trump travel ban   

Trump Slams Media Criticism of Refugee, Visa Reforms 

Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump’s Refugee Actions


Make America Safe Again

Four federal judges file orders opposing parts of President Trump’s travel bans

Homeland Security Ignores Judge, Continues Enforcing Trump’s Travel Ban 

Stop Muslim Terror by Stopping Muslim Immigration  

Nancy Pelosi Caught on Hot Mic to Dem Rep Carson: ‘Tell Them You’re A Muslim’ 

Poll: Public Overwhelmingly Supports Trump Push to Limit Migration

US-Australia refugee deal: Trump will 'study this dumb deal' 

Donald Trump: United States Must ‘Get Smart’ After Louvre Terror Attack  

Over 100,000 Visas Revoked by Immigration Ban

Muslim Mayor Signs Sanctuary City Order in New Jersey 

100 Syrian Refugees Rush into Country After Seattle Judge Halts Trump Executive Order Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Ramos Rage: I Don't Recognize USA

Protests break out after illegal deported in Arizona

Mexico Not Ready to Take Illegal Aliens Back 

ICE Begins Enforcing Law

Mexicans Vow to Fight Trump by Jamming Courts

Fourth Muslim group rejects grant to fight extremism  

Mexican Migrants Signal They Prefer Detention to Deportation   

140 student languages in suburban Georgia school district

Hijabs flood fashion week

Christian university in TX opens prayer room for Muslims 

Facebook CEO warns against reversal of global thinking 

Mexicans Form Human Chain Along Border 

Memos signed by DHS secretary describe sweeping new guidelines for deporting illegals

...Rogue Agents Resist Trump Orders   

Vid: Loud Muslim Call To Prayer In Times Square As Muslims Protest Trump, Shout ‘Allahu Akbar!'

  Thousands chant 'Allahu Akbar' for Farrakhan in Detroit 

US official: ISIS has 'people in place' to conduct 'steady' attacks  

Denver Police Ignore Immigration Officers’ Pleas, Release Alien Before Murder

Trump administration widens net for immigrant deportation 

Border Crossings in Decline Since January 

Illegal Immigration Drops 27%

Starbucks Brand Crashes After Announcement of Plan to Hire 10,000 Muslim ‘Refugees’ 

Jorge Ramos: America Is ‘Our Country, Not Theirs’—‘And We Are Not Going to Leave’

Mexican congressman climbs border fence  

New York Mayor Hides 500,000 Illegals, Vows to Ignore Immigration Laws   

Illegal Immigrant Teen Beheaded His Mother Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT  

Trump administration to reportedly send more judges to immigration centers  

Plan to hire refugees damaging Starbucks’ brand and sales – Credit Suisse 

afaithfulone4u View Post ...God wants us to build a wall?...The problem is, this wall is not a visible wall as man builds to keep other men out, whom God also loves...

:yawn: Who said God doesn't love? Tt 3:4. We are a sovereign nation (Deut. 32:8).

Bob Carabbio View Post
Seems like Job's Wall was already provided by God against the attacks of the enemy - and Job didn't even really know it was there.

So you'd like an invisible wall? One with lasers perhaps? Is the left (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) opposed to this wall God's building, too? :juggle:
Re 21:12

Judge Considers Ordering President Donald Trump to Double 50,000 Refugee Inflow to the United States
War_Eagle View Post Sounds like another judge who needs to be impeached.

This one, too:

Robert Barnes: Hawaii Obama Judge Rules Muslim Imam Has Special Constitutional Rights to Bring Anyone from Terror Countries into America

30 Countries Are Refusing To Take Back Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Serious Crimes

Starbucks CEO Ducks Question About Hiring Refugees Instead of Americans  

Chuck Grassley Demands Answers About Illegal Aliens Accused of Raping 14-Year-Old

Assaults on Border Patrol Agents Continue -- 3 in Day

LA Mayor Vows Sanctuary

Illegal Aliens Run Free to Roam

'Godfather' Defiant in Chicago

NYC Vows to Block ICE

parapandeist View Post
...The rotten fruit of a false heartless religion. 2 faced is not an attractive testimony but instead is a witness of your Christ being a fraud.

:yawn: Gen. 11:5-9, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Border Agents Assaulted by Increasingly Aggressive Illegals

Hispanic contractors offer to build border wall; Get Death threats

Mexican Archdiocese: Companies That Help Build Trump's Wall Are "Traitors"

Seattle sues over 'sanctuary' order

Illegal Aliens Defecate in Coke Cans

Montana Democrats Vote Against Bill Banning Sharia Law

Border Wall Contractors Request Right to Carry Guns

Sessions Ready for Sanctuary Cities Crackdown

Sanctuary cities have higher crime rates

Dem Bill Strips 'Police' from ICE Agent Uniform

Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony

Paul Ryan and McCain Side With Dems to Stop Border Wall Funding

Trump administration moving quickly to build up nationwide deportation force

Muslims to March on Amazon Over Prayer Breaks

Second Detroit Doctor Busted in Female Genital Mutilation Ring

CA School District Pushes CAIR-Assisted ‘Anti-Islamophobia’ Plan 

State University Prof Allegedly Fabricated Anti-Muslim Threats

Sessions: DOJ Sent Letter to 10 ‘Sanctuary Cities’ in Possible Violation of Immigration Law

DOJ: One in Four Federal Inmates Is Foreign-Born 

Trial to expose radical Islamic agents embedded in U.S. 

DUI suspect in hit-run crash that left boy badly hurt deported 15 times 

Detroit School to Hold 'Muslim Girls Only' Prom 

Rebellion grows against Muslim indoctrination in schools 

CNN’s W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding

Muslims Take Over NYC Street, Start Praying in Front of Trump Tower

U.S. schools ‘bowing’ to Islam during Ramadan

.An Illinois Town Denied This Muslim Congregation A Mosque. Now It Owes Them $580,000

Public School Opens Up Rooms For Muslim Prayer- Atheist Group Says It’s “Reasonable"

Anti-Shariah rallies planned across US worry Muslim leaders

What’s Triggering The Left Now? Soon You Won’t Be Allowed To Say “Patriot”

Miami UBER Driver Fined for Not Speaking English

NY Times Op-Ed; Deport Americans, Invite Migrants

Texas the Latest State to Ban Sharia, Foreign Laws from Domestic Courts

Police Officer Stabbed at Michigan Airport

...'Allahu Akbar'

Ohio sites hacked with IS message

San Francisco To Pay Undocumented Immigrant $190K For Violating Sanctuary Policy

House passes Kate’s Law, as part of illegal immigrant crackdown

Illegal allegedly rapes mom in front of children

Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Given a Voice: ‘Every One of Our Children’s Deaths Have Been Preventable’

Illegal Alien Accused of Stabbing Her Four Children, Husband to Death

U.S. Soldier Arrested for Supporting ISIS

Illegal alien who was removed from US 7 Times crashes van, kills father-of-three

America’s Most Liberal Mayor Facing Up To 10 Years in Prison

Democrats Block Vote Making Female Genital Mutilation Criminal Act: “Could Offend Migrants”

Cop named Mohamed shoots, kills unarmed woman who called 911

ICE chief plans on sending hundreds of agents to sanctuary cities

GOP, Dems Plotting ‘Dream Act’ for Illegal Aliens

Illegal Alien Gives Birth in Restaurant Bathroom, Puts Baby in Trash

ICE Adding Officers in ‘Uncooperative Jurisdictions’ to Arrest Released Criminal Aliens

Sanctuary city standoff looms as ICE vows agent surge

...Raids to target gang members

...More illegal aliens flee to Canada

World War II Veteran Assaulted While Defending Flag at His Home

California :CRASH: Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon 

...'Filth of the Jews'

Trump throws wrench in U.N. plan to ‘replace’ U.S. population 

1 Million Illegals Get Driver's Licenses  

House Republicans seek to dodge border wall vote

...Still headed for vacation

:CRASH:Ellison: Trump Trying to Circumvent ‘the Whole System’ – ‘We Fought a War of Independence’ Against King George for That 

Confirmed: NFL Fans Tuned Out Last Year Because Players Protested The National Anthem

Portland 'Sanctuary' Releases Felony Illegal -- Who Then Rapes Elderly Woman

...20 Previous Deportations

DHS: 2.6 Million H-1B Foreign Workers Approved to Enter US in Last Decade

County Officials Remove ‘Offensive’ U.S. Flag Memorial; Residents Put It Back Up

San Diego Teacher Thinks Citizenship Question Is ‘Racist,’ Refuses to Answer

Chicago Tribune Offended by DOJ’s Use of Term ‘Illegal Alien’

Israel’s Elbit Systems to be in charge of building wall promised by Trump on Mexican Border 

Pentagon finds 'security risks' in immigrant recruitment program; 'Infiltration' feared

Trump Overhaul On 'Legal' Immigration

GondwanaLand View Post

[Trump Pushes Anti-Immigration Bill That Would Have Banned His (Third) Wife]

Concubine.   When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well he agreed that she spoke rightly, "The man you now have is not your husband." Jn 4:18.

Trump has a wife. She lives down the street in a hut (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Master Fwiffo View Post

Ooh I like that. She's now the COTUS (Concubine of the United States) to me.

The people have spoken (Is 18:2)—this :greedy: was what they wanted.  The White House is a shack up pad :idunno: (Ps 12:8).   Now nations you'll see; :listen: you’re just men (Ps 9:20).  Praise God.:straight:


America Will Not Repent

Rapture Ready

simplicio View Post

And just what is the correct ba'al for the former Mrs. Trump?

Mrs. Trump lives down the street in a hut. She will be former (your word) when the Donald :greedy: dies (Rom. 7:2, 3).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Many Christians argue that they are not bound by the old testament laws…

When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie:

…[T]he release from the law occurred at the cross.

Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14 :juggle:



simplicio View Post  

Cool another end times allusion. Hmm.

I always confuse tall and smooth of skin with ugly giant bags of mostly water. 

Rapture (The Catching Away)  

Denver Considers Ordinance Protecting Illegals From Feds

Canada opens Montreal Olympic Stadium for migrants from US

Report: MS-13’s Primary Victims Are Other Latinos

Trump administration moves to make tougher U.S. visa vetting permanent

Miami Drops 'Sanctuary' for Trump   

Geller: Rep. Correa’s Hijab Statue of Liberty Painting Offensive to Every Immigrant Fleeing Sharia Oppression 

Quaint U.S. town: Man named ‘Hussein’ tries to behead police officer with sword

Trump’s Merkel Moment? West Wing Dems’ Plan to Keep DACA Will Increase Illegal Immigration Pull Factors

Trump threatens government shutdown over border wall funding

Ryan on Border Wall Funding: ‘I Don’t Think a Government Shutdown Is Necessary’

DasBrille View Post

[Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!] None of the cretins got the chance to chant this at recent Trump campaign rallies....

During the eclipse? 

DasBrille View Post

Wanna try answering the question instead of posting asinine one-liners?

What? :idunno: You didn't watch the Great Mexican Eclipse?  

bob1 View Post

What? You still think that wall will be built? You still think Drumpf is going to make Mexico pay for it?

Why would we tell our neighbor to pay for our wall?  :squint:

DasBrille replied

…No-one, not even the dolt thinks it s going to happen except for the cretins…

Are you opposed to:  borders, language, culture? Gen. 11:5–9

…He made it a major part of his campaign and has been blabbing on about it ever since.

Worry less about Trump :sozo2: and more about the trumpet call (1 Thess 4:16). :rapture:

Michigan just took a major step in taking their state back from Muslims 

Islamic State Urges Supporters to Poison Grocery Stores, Attack Hurricane Harvey Shelters :CRASH:Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Exclusive: Paul Ryan Reportedly Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner

Leaked Images Show Armed Mexican Cartel Smugglers Crossing into U.S., Feds Confirm

Superman Protects Undocumented From White Supremacist in Latest Comic 

University offers dinners for black, Muslim students 

Illegals costing Americans Record $135 billion a year 

ICE Rounds Up Nearly 500 Illegal Immigrants in Mass Sanctuary City Sweep

16 U.S. States Come Together To Ban Shariah Law

Middle Eastern Refugees from Australia Who Need ‘Mental Health’ Treatment Being Resettled Across Five States

Five Illegal Alien MS-13 Members Charged in MD Woman’s Murder  

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Running over Man in Drunk Hit-and-Run

Sanctuary Cities Allowed Criminal Alien to Remain in U.S., Murder Kansas Deputy

Immigration population hits record 60 million in USA; 1-of-5 in nation

San Diego School Teaching Islam

Mexico joins legal fight against Texas’ sanctuary city crackdown

Illegals jump over fence -- as MSNBC mocks wall 

US to Allow Refugees From All Countries 

President Trump Allows Refugee Restart with New Security Rules

Maryland development under fire after selling homes only to Muslims

Illegal Alien Minor Obtains Abortion After Weeks-Long Court Battle

Rev William Barber: Existing Border Wall Is a ‘Criminal Wall’ That Is ‘Raping People’s Opportunity’

Sex Trafficking:  What’s Coming To Every Store Parking Lot Across America 

Terrorist Camps in the US

Muslims to soon beat out Jews in US population

Sen. Graham: Trump ‘Understands We Are in a Religious War’

FBI Raid:  Muslims in final phase of their 5-step plan to destroy America

Illegal Alien Defense Fund Gives $17,500 to Terrorist Front Group CAIR

Mattel creates hijab wearing Barbie

ICE agents rebel, say Trump 'betrayed' them leaving Obama people in place

New report shows how Mexican cartels are infiltrating Texas

Illegal Alien Accused of Raping, Impregnating Stepdaughter to Have ‘Anchor Baby'

Democrats Compare ‘Dreamers’ to U.S. Soldiers: ‘Leave No Man or Women Behind’

Illegal Aliens Murdered Border Patrol Agent by Crushing in His Skull with Rocks, Says NBPC

Trump: Egyptian Terror Attack Proves We Need Border Wall

Virginia: Muslims Call For “Force” To Be Used Against “Infidels” To Accept The Koran

Kobach: ACLU’s Latest Cause Refusing to Stand for Anthem in Name of Islam

Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every ‘major building’

Loudon: For Safety, Health and Prosperity, Build the Wall

Illegal Alien deported 20x convicted of kidnapping, abusing two Oregon women 

DOJ Puts Out Warrant For Steinle’s Killer, Dares San Francisco To Ignore Them Again 

After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants

3,108 Since Oct. 1: Refugee Admissions Drop 83%, As Trump Withdraws From UN Migration Compact

Vandal who left bacon inside mosque gets 15 years  

ICE confirms that deadly California fires were set by illegal alien arrested & released 5 times by sanctuary city cops, ignoring ICE detainer requests each time

The Nuclear Option: NYC’s ‘Chain Migration’ Bomber Vindicates Trump

Report: Pakistani, Afghan Nationals To Be Resettled in US ‘Have Acute Mental Health Problems’ 

Angel Families: ‘Before We Worry About’ Illegal Aliens, Let’s ‘Respect Those Killed by No Fault of Their Own’ 

Trump: Deporting MS-13 Is Cheaper than Jailing Them

Trump Admin Launches Campaign to End Extended-Family Immigration into U.S. 

DOJ Releases New Numbers: One-in-Five Federal Prisoners Are Foreign Born, Most Illegal Aliens

1-in-5 Illegal Aliens Would Go On Food Stamps After Amnesty, Says CBO

Federal judge partially blocks Trump's latest refugee restrictions

Trump DOJ Denies Los Angeles Federal Law Enforcement Cash

China Snares Innocent and Guilty Alike to Build World's Biggest DNA Database 

CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S. 

Defiant:  'Sanctuary' Signs Pop Up On CA Highways

Congress heads toward showdown over 'Dreamers' 

Immigration Expert: Trump Wants ‘To End Chain Migration’ and ‘Visa Lottery Program’

Are You ok with a Muslim Judge Being Sworn In With A Koran?

Mohamed 3rd most popular name for baby boys in Minnesota town

Watch: Dick Durbin Advocated for Ending ‘Chain Migration’ in 2010, a Term He Now Says is Racist

‘We Can Build The Wall in One Year:’ Trump Tells DHS Never to ‘Mention 7 Years Again’ for Border Wall Timeframe

Another imam in U.S. calls for killing Jews

Former Mexican President Chides Trump on Immigration: ‘With What Authority Do You Proclaim Who’s Welcome in America?’ 

‘Diversity Has Always Been Our Strength:’ Lindsey Graham Claims He Scolded Trump After ‘Shithole’ Remark

Lindsey Graham to Americans: Your Country Belongs to the World

DHS Sec Nielsen Declares DACA Unconstitutional

Islamic Takeover in Full Swing – American School District Surrenders to Sharia Law

Government Report: 73% of All Terrorism Related Offenders Over Last 15 Years were Foreign Born

Trump Releases New Ad: Democrats ‘Complicit in Every Murder Committed by Illegal Immigrants’ 

Report: Illegal Alien Blames ‘Black Magic’ After Giving Herpes to a Child

Teacher sued for teaching Islam is ‘the true faith’

The little-known episode of Islamist terror training camps in the Colorado Rocky Mountains

Sessions: Wall Will Be ‘Message to the World’ That in U.S. ‘We Enforce the Laws’

FBI takes on ‘Islamophobia’: White nationalism seen as bigger threat than jihadism

NJ School Sued for Showing Islamic Video Praising Muhammad for Killing Christians  

State of the Union:  Gutierrez triggered by 'USA!' chants, flees House chamber

…ACLU Complains: Trump Used Word 'America' More Than 80 Times  

Muslim US soldier “obsessed” with bloody jihad videos, watched them for hours daily, laughed and insulted the victims

CAIR silent on U.S. imams’ call to kill Jews 

Study: Illegal Aliens, DACA-Age Youth More than Twice as Likely to Be Convicted Criminals

CEO of Border Wall Construction Company: ‘I Really Believe We’ll Change History’ 

DACA recipients arrested on suspicion of human smuggling

Vid:  Mexican Cartel Fights Marines, Police near Tourist Hotspot 

NFL Colts Linebacker Allegedly Killed by Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Drunk Driver 

Man tells undocumented to stop urinating at bus stop, gets stabbed

Angel Family Member: ‘They’re Breaking the Law and We’re Supposed to Feel Sorry for Them?’

Deadly MS-13 Gang Invading US Suburbs

Egypt Warns of Muslim Brotherhood Organizations in U.S.

A wardrobe to die for:  Macy’s to launch line geared toward Muslims, including hijabs 

Police: MS-13 Pimp Ordered Baseball Bat Beating of Underage ‘Prostitute’  

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old — and Her Mother   

Trial to expose radical Islamic agents embedded in U.S.

MS-13 spreads to 22 states

Medical Report: ‘Child’ Migrant Who Killed 15-Y/O Is Likely an Adult

Vincente Fox Calls on UN to Stop Wall Construction The Common Sense Show  

Activists Tell Illegals Not to Travel in Florida as Arrests Mount

Cartels using 'disposable' U.S. teens as drug mules  

Federal Court rules Trump can build border wall on Mexican border

Saying ‘God Bless You’ When Someone Sneezes is Islamophobic, According to Librarians at a Massachusetts College

School ordered to reveal details of collusion with Muslim activists

Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ Spying on Patriots in all 50 States

School defends links to Muslim Brotherhood front group

Army of Illegals Marching On America

...Mexico aids Easter invasion 

Migrant 'Caravan' Vows to March to Border

...'We Will Continue' 

Third Mexican town welcomes illegals

...400 miles closer to US

...1,500-strong group march unimpeded

...'We're Suffering'

Trump heats up immigration rhetoric as supporters grow impatient

...Threatens to Cut Off Foreign Aid

...Urges Congress to act on border

...Close 'loopholes' 

Federal judge orders complete restart of 'Dreamers'

Maine House Democrats Vote to Allow Female Genital Mutilation

Pew: 65% of White Democrats Don’t Believe in ‘All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Loving’ God

Alabama Amendment To Put 10 Commandments In Schools Gets A Big Boost

Texas suing to end 'Dreamers' program once and for all

DACA should be overturned — a new lawsuit might succeed in doing that 

Dozens of illegals caught in Texas after coming from ISIS recruiting grounds 

93% of migrant sex crimes in Finland are committed by migrants from Islamic countries

U.S. 7th-graders told to declare submission to Allah

Outrage hits America as California high school yearbook proudly featured Islam, makes no mention of any other religion

School Holds Moment Of Silence For Hamas

Americans Petition Trump: Sign Executive Order Mandating E-Verify to Stop Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs

CAIR Official Calls on US Government to Investigate American Jews Who Join IDF

Muslim Mob Storms Maine Park – Beats Park Goers with Sticks and Fists While Laughing

Marc Thiessen: Democrats’ dishonesty about MS-13 hands Trump a winning issue

Muslims invade U.S. ‘in the name of Allah’

C-Allah-fornia: More parental outrage as another public school tries to force-feed Islam to its students

Keith Ellison & Ilhan Omar: Clear And Present Dangers

Kasie Hunt Badgers Jim Jordan Over Tough Immigration Policy — Is It A ‘Christian Approach’?  

intojoy View Post

[Trump says he won't sign legislation banning separation of children from parents] Good

Parents  their trafficker Lk 17:2

Danoh View Post
Trump lied about Democrats controlling the policy of separating parents and children at the border.
The Dems had a chance to take a look at DACA. They didn’t. Trump (via QAnon ) talks about what’s really going on at the southern border/CA coast. The  deep state  makes their money through drugs/child trafficking. 

You’d like to keep the operation up and running. Trump claims to want to shut it down. 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Mass. Gov Cancels National Guard Deployment To Border

Trump warns US could follow path of Germany on immigration

...'Will Not Become Migrant Camp On My Watch'

Illegal Aliens Using Minors to Enter U.S. Increased 315 Percent Since Last Year 

Outrage Over Trump's Detention Centers -- But They're Actually Obama's!  

Trump vs DeBlasio: Who will win the NYC Public Schools Hamas battle

Reply to Oddish

The chants at the protest yesterday were "No borders, no nation".

 This argument :sozo2: goes back to the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:5–9). :blabla:

Trump: Detentions on Obama's Watch

Flashback: The Photos 

...Inhumane Conditions

Canada uses massive US anti-terrorist database at borders 

Trump pushes back against border separation uproar 

Trump Slams Obama for Caging Kids!

9 Times MS-13 Gang Members Posed as Minors to Enter US Illegally

Immigration Workplace Raids Intensify

Texas sheriff refuses to help feds

Philly Schools Add Muslim Holidays by Cutting Jewish One

US border agents halt migrant family prosecutions

Border Patrol Sets Up Shop In New England – Gets Unbelievable Results In Only 11 Hours

Jeff Sessions says migrant children are smuggling drugs into US

Judge To Hear Alleged Islamic Takeover Of U.S. Schools

 Immigration protests nationwide

...President defends 'brave' agents

Church ‘Detains’ Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus To Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy

McCaskill Calls ‘Abolish ICE’ Movement ‘Dumb

Poll: Immigration top issue for voters

DNA tests are in the works for separated migrant children and parents

What do we do with the results?  The proper punishment for kidnapping (1 Tim. 1:10) is death (Ex. 21:16).  Trust God’s plan.

Illegal Immigrants, Palestinian Refugees, and Their Liberal Cheerleaders: The Startling Similarities

America First, Helsinki, And Trump’s Existential Threat to the Empire

More South Texas land owners getting letters on border wall

Mexico’s new far-left President will collapse the country into third world status, creating an even worse border crisis for America

Majority of Conservatives Oppose All Immigration to the U.S

The Bible remains a ‘powerful, transformative tool’ in American culture: Poll

Michigan Man Captured On Syrian Battlefield With Disturbing Ties To ISIS

‘Sisters in hate’ join to raise money for ‘Muslim Mafia’

Immigrant admits recruiting Muslims for jihad massacres

Keith Ellison Calls Borders An “Injustice,” Gets Minnesota Media Blackout

Mandating E-Verify Nationwide Would Build An Electronic Wall To Curb Illegal Immigration

L.A. Production of ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ Replaces Nazis with ICE Agents Hunting for ‘LatinX’ Illegal Aliens

Vid: Founder Of Sharia Crime Stoppers Says ‘Sharia Law Is In Michigan’

First Muslim woman headed to Congress

Muslims Running in Upcoming Elections

Virginia Imam: “Islam is only solution to solve America’s problems,” US “will be a Muslim nation”

Authorities: Kids trained to commit school shootings at extremist Muslim compound in New Mexico

‘Refugee’ Charged with Sex Attack on Boy at McDonald’s

DOJ: Al Qaeda Using Mexico Border as ‘Easy Access’ into US

California Recognizes August as Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month

Massive Muslim Brotherhood Display of Power to Take Place in Minnesota

Judge Says Government Does Not Have To Accept New DACA Requests

Florida Republican State Attorney Candidate’s Father Tied To Palestinian Terrorists

Intentional Deception? The US Bank Stadium Management Clueless About Radical Imam Speaking at the Muslim EID Event

Muslims Hold Massive Rally at Vikings Stadium; Chanting 'Allahu Akbar'

Amid Sex Abuse Scandal Catholic Bishops Want More Taxpayer-Funded Refugees 2 Co 2:11, 11:14  

Vid: Republican Candidate for FL State Attorney Confronted Over Her Ties to Islamic Terrorism 

Campus bans Sept. 11 memorial for ‘bias’ against Muslims

Burning Man Attendees Protest ICE With ‘Giant Cage On Wheels’

Starbucks kicks paying customers out of their shop for wearing shirts that they deemed offensive to Muslims  

Arizona Rancher Films Illegal Invaders in Military Garb Streaming Across US Border in 25 Minute Video

Subway removes pork from stores after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims

Trudeau Government Says Legal Canadian Marijuana Users Shouldn’t Worry About Crossing US Border 

Six Flags holds ‘Great Muslim Adventure Day’

U.S. to sharply limit refugee flows to 30,000 in 2019

CAIR chief to meet with Turkish, Iranian presidents

Trump rejects globalism, emphasizes 'America First' approach in speech to UN

Europeanize America? Not on Your Life

Somalis Riot at Minnesota Amusement Park, Forcing Evacuation

World Court orders U.S. to lift Iran sanctions linked to humanitarian aid 

Why are Muslims allowed to use a high school football field for prayer, while Christians were banned?

As Large Groups of Illegal Aliens Keep Pouring In, A Majority Have 3 U.S. Destinations in Mind

Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration ‘march’: report

Rep. Gaetz Sounds the Alarm After Footage Surfaces of Women & Children Given Cash to Join Honduran Caravan to Storm U.S. Border

Honduras’s paid caravan ‘refugees’ exposed as frauds by Venezuela’s real refugees

Woolworth: No Christmas Merchandise Stocked, ‘We’re a Muslim Business Now’

Migrant caravan halted by Mexico police on Guatemala border

Caravan re-forms in Mexico

...Swells to 5,000

,,,Vows to Reach US 

...Trump:  National Emergency

…Pushes Deeper Into Mexico

…’No Stopping Us’

Hondurans Paint Swastika on American Flag, Set it on Fire

Trump ‘Going to Hell’

Mexicans give migrants water, clothes, rides

US to 'begin cutting off' aid

Pence: Migrant Caravan ‘Funded From Outside,’ Organized by Leftist Force

DHS unveils Trump’s first completed border wall project: ‘Walls work’

Jewish Leaders Ban Trump from Pittsburgh Until He Embraces Globalism

U.S. Military Sending Miles and Miles of Concertina Wire to SW Border

Second Migrant Caravan Carrying Firearms and Gasoline Bombs: Mexican Authorities

“Organized Busing Operation” Exposed, Moving Migrants Closer To US Border

Here Comes the 3rd Wave-Red Dawn Invasion Brought to You By George Soros and His Rent An Army

Armed Citizens Join the Front Lines to Help Prevent Caravan Riders From Entering the U.S.

Caravan sues president, govt; Claim violation of rights 

Trump pledges asylum crackdown, tent cities

Footage in Honduras:  Giving Cash to Immigrants to Join the Caravan and Storm the US Border  

Florida imam: Palestine must be liberated, even at cost of millions of martyrs

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms 

1100 Migrants Apprehended Daily Along U.S.-Mexico Border, Say Feds

Another 3,300 Caravan Migrants Arrive In Tijuana, Says Mexico 

DHS: Over 500 Criminals Traveled within Caravan at U.S. Border

US migrant caravan: Trump’s asylum ban halted by judge

The Organizational Structure of the Red Dawn Invasion Force

Report: U.S. Troops at Southwest Border Coming Home as Migrants Arrive

Migrant caravan Sodomite couples celebrate mass wedding 

White House Authorizes Troops To ‘Use Force’ Ahead of Migrant Caravan Arrival

Thousands of Caravan Migrants Planning to ‘Stampede’ US Border, Aid Group Warns

Inside the terrifying Honduran gangs feared to be infiltrating migrant caravans as their bloody violence drives thousands into America

First caravan-related violence reported in US 

Michigan Judge’s Genital Mutilation Ruling Shocks Women’s Advocates  

San Diego Port of Entry Shut Down as Migrants Rush Border

Pedophiles, Killers, Gang Members Arrested by Texas Border Agents

Hundreds Of Violent Migrants Illegally Storm The US Port of Entry, Attack Guards With Projectiles As Customs Shuts The Whole Border Down

Mexico To Deport 500 Migrants Who Stormed US Border

Hundreds Of Violent Migrants Illegally Storm The US Port of Entry, Attack Guards With Projectiles As Customs Shuts The Whole Border Down

First Muslim Women in US Congress Misled Voters About Views on Israel, Now Support Antisemitic BDS Movement

Caravan Update: DHS Says Group Now Numbers 8,500, 90% Ineligible for Asylum, More ‘On Their Way’

Heavily Armed Central American Paramilitary Troops Crossing the US Border In Remote Locations  

DNA Tests Expose Child Traffickers Abusing Immigration Loopholes at the Border

Florida College That Supported Islamist Professor Upholds Christian Ban 

 Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form “Jihad” Against Trump, Not To Assimilate

Major Islamic leaders says that America will soon became a Muslim nation ruled by Sharia Law, and Christians better be prepared to become slaves

Migrants Land Boat On California Beach 100 Miles From Border

Six MS-13 Gang Members Accused of Butchering Massachusetts Teen

University In Michigan Arms Its Students With Hockey Pucks As Protection Against Possible Active Shooter Attack

Supreme Court Turns Down Challenge To The Border Wall

Tired of waiting for asylum, migrants from caravan breach U.S. border

Due to Canadian PM Trudeau’s radical liberal policies, it’s only a matter of time before Islamic terrorists cross over into America from the northern border

Worldwide Study: Nearly 50% of Muslims Marry Their First Cousin, and it Leads to Devastating Defects

Census confirms: 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households

105 Illegal Aliens, Including Pedophiles and Gang Members, Arrested in ICE Raid

Trump says military to build border wall if Dem refuse

3,000 illegals caught in a day

Islamic no-go Zones have already popped up in the United States

Over 95% DACA Applications for Illegal Aliens Approved Under Trump

Deportations under Trump still lower than Obama, ICE report shows

Reply to Anonymous171717

Trump and Republicans should call the government shutdown the Kate Steinle Government Shutdown.

:thumb: Gen. 11:5–9 

DHS Secretary: From Now on Illegal Aliens Will Be Deported to Mexico

Trump Says Contract Awarded to Build 115 Miles of Border Wall in Texas

Flashback:  Many Democrats Still In The Senate Today Voted To Secure The Border In 2006

Germany Legalizes Child Marriages Performed Under Sharia Law

Major U.S. county pays up for censoring ‘anti-Muslim’ ads

Christians, Stop Saying Jesus Is the Son of God. It Provokes Muslims

Muslim Doctor Fired From Ohio Clinic After Claiming She Will Purposely Give Jewish Patients Wrong Medication

U.S. agents fire tear gas into Mexico at ‘violent mob’ near border

50 People Treated For Tuberculosis, Flu, Parasites and Other Diseases Every Day At Border Urgent Care Facility

Pope Francis Calls on Migrants to Flood the US: ‘Forget National Security’

Border Situation Getting So Desperate, We’re Sending Coast Guard To The Desert

First Palestinian Congresswoman Sworn in on Koran, Curses Trump, Erases Israel

Mexican Police Find 33ft Tunnel Under Border Used to ‘Smuggle Migrants’ into US

US Muslim group sues over Maryland’s anti-BDS law

Pentagon Preparing to Build Barriers Along Southern Border

Democrat Rashida Tlaib Recites ‘Muslim Victory Call – War Cry of Allah’ in Radical Speech at CAIR Reception

Attention America: Prepare to Defend Yourselves

President G. W. Bush Signed The 2006 Secure Fence Act For A Border Wall – Where’s The $50 Billion? Where’s The Fence?

Hundreds of Hondurans set off toward United States in new caravan

Pentagon: Another Round of Troops Will Head to the Border

US Pentagon accounted plans for stationing troops on the Mexican border – liberals outraged

Immigration group files suit to force Southern Poverty Law Center revoke ‘hate’ label

Border rancher: ‘We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal’

250 Illegal Immigrants Detained in New Mexico After Border Crossing

Radical Islamic activist and anti-American Linda Sarsour says that ‘my beloved prophet Muhammad was a human rights activist’

Muslim activist advocates using American public schools to convert US children to Islam

Migrant Carrying Flesh-Eating Bacteria Detained at US-Mexico Border

Border Patrol struggles with flood of sick migrants

ICE Agents Arrest 100+ ‘Convicted Criminal’ Illegal Immigrants Across New York

Fox News Films Migrants Moving Closer To US Border

Radical anti-Semitic Muslim Congesswoman demands that US taxpayers pay for her trip to ‘Palestine’, where she plans to slander Israel and America

Border agents reportedly discover 60-foot tunnel to Mexico at southern border

More Than 1,500 Migrants Arrive At Barrierless U.S.-Mexico Border Along Texas

Sharia Police: Muslim Community Patrol in Brooklyn Driving Cars That Look Identical to NYPD Cruisers, Wear Outfits That Look Like Cops

Tech Elites, Donor Class Unite with GOP/Dems to Outsource White-Collar American Jobs

Trump declares national emergency to get border wall funding

How Minneapolis’ Somali Muslim community became the jihad terrorist recruitment capital of the US

Arkansas passes bill ordering their law enforcement to cut off all ties with Islamic group CAIR, due to their close ties to terrorists

Michelle Malkin Broke Sharia Law:  Twitter Warns Her To Lawyer Up

Ilhan Omar represents Hamas in Congress? Laurie Cardoza-Moore makes claim

Blue State Blues: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Silent About China’s Muslims

Grotesque anti-Semitic mural in downtown Los Angeles

Petition seeks deportation for Ilhan Omar

Congress hates Christians, whites, men

Vid:  Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Declares Victory Over US in Chicago CAIR Speech, ‘The Muslims Are Here!’

Human Rights Advocate Calls On DOJ To Investigate Ilhan Omar’s Terror Ties

The Islamic plan to use American public schools to convert the youth into Muslims 

Southern Border: Over 2K Migrants Quarantined For Contagious Diseases

Who is Rep. Ilhan Omar? 

Georgia: Jewish parents furious over map of terror state ‘Palestine’ replacing Israel featured at middle school multicultural night

Tuberculosis epidemic hits Minnesota as 296 Muslim refugees are diagnosed as active – majority are Somalis

ICE Deports 256,000 Illegal Aliens, Including 6,000 Gang Members From US

30 gravestones desecrated at Jewish cemetery in Massachusetts 

Guest School Speaker Told A Bunch Of Student Athletes Hitler Was A ‘Good Leader.’ School District Responds

Audio: CAIR-LA Executive Director Announces Plans to Expand and Mobilize Muslim Community – Open 80 Mosques in California

Muslim Somali migrants are bringing a dangerous wave of tuberculosis to Minnesota – taxpayers funding the costly treatment

Caravan of migrants in Mexico starts moving towards U.S.

US-Mexico border wall: Pentagon authorises $1bn transfer

More than 10,000 people sign: Investigate Omar, Tlaib and CAIR

“Caravana Madre”: Mexico Warns 20,000 Migrant ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Forming in Honduras

Mexican Cartel-Linked Drug Operation Busted in Minnesota, Say Police

Trump threatens to shut Mexico border amid migration surge

Trump Cuts Direct Aid to Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador over Illegal Migrant Caravans Threatening America

American Muslim Lawmaker Says Prayer in Name of Jesus is Islamophobic

CBP Agent: Border Crisis ‘So Far Out of Hand You Wouldn’t Believe It’

The Sinoloa Drug Cartels Are Poisoning the Drinking Water for San Francisco

Ilhan Omar Holding Private Fundraisers with Islamist Groups Linked to Terrorism – Report

DHS Agent Reveals Ulterior Motives Behind the Illegal Immigrant Invasion-700 DHS Agents Ordered to the Border

Ilhan Omar presses for release of Muslim Brotherhood leader

U.S. judge halts Trump policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico

GOP State Rep. Delivers Controversial Prayer Before Swearing In Chamber’s First Muslim Woman

NY Islamic proudly says that ‘Muslims should hate non-Muslims’

San Diego parents prevail over Muslim group CAIR’s “Islamophobia” indoctrination program in public schools

California Judges Hand Trump Rare Court Win By Allowing Return Of Migrants To Mexico

Migrants break border gate, force their way into Mexico

Border Patrol Union President Says It’s ‘Absolutely Legal’ To Drop Illegals In Sanctuary Cities

‘I can’t be anti-Semitic alone, try it with me together’

How the Immigration Invasion Will Inevitably Lead to a Civil War

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border

CDC admits measles outbreak is caused by people from other countries who enter the United States and spread the disease

The Muslims are Colonizing Under Your Noses – Putting Muslim Representatives Into Position Only to Attack  

The Mexican Military Is Delivering Drugs Across the Border and Simultaneously Probing US Border Defenses

The Border Crisis Worsens: Declared State of Emergency in Yuma, AZ.

Bernie Sanders calls Netanyahu government ‘racist’

Report: Omar Attacked US Soldiers Who Died Fighting In ‘Black Hawk Down’ Operation

Younger Republicans are less supportive of Israel, poll finds 

Trump decides to send US military to southern border after shocking incident in which US troops were detained by Mexican soldiers on American soil

Hundreds of migrants in southern Mexico board ‘The Beast’ heading north

One Dead, Multiple Injured In San Diego-Area Synagogue Shooting; Suspect May Have Torched Mosque Weeks Ago

ISIS Praises Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & ‘AOC’​ 

Sports Illustrated Promotes Sharia Law By Featuring Muslim Model Halima Aden In ‘Swimsuit Edition’ Wearing An Islamic Hijab And Burkini 

Wake up America, there is an Islamic terror caucus in your Congress

Massive 82% spike in antisemitic hate crimes in New York City, NYPD finds 

Philadelphia Muslim Children Sing About Decapitating Jews

Not One Democrat Presidential Candidate Defended Israel During Onslaught of 700 Rocket Attacks

Area mosques report receiving threats after video shows Muslim children reciting violent poems, songs

U.S. Schools Urging Teachers to Bless Muslim Students in Arabic

Coca-Cola Releases Crescent Moon Logo for Ramadan

The FBI Has 850 Open Domestic Terrorism Investigations

Nazis Crash Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony in Arkansas

FBI uncovers Islamic terror training camp in Alabama

There Is Absolutely Appalling Anti-Semitism At New York University

Ilhan Omar in U.S. illegally? Serious lawsuit seeks answer.

ICE to hire contractor to transport 225,000 migrants to shelters across the US

ICE wants more immigration detention space in California 

Vid: Ilhan Omar Attacks Conservative People Of Faith On House Floor

US judge blocks funds for Trump border wall plan 

Hundreds of Patriots Protest Ilhan Omar at CAIR Fundraiser In Bellevue, Washington

Vid: “We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations

Vid: Palestinians Broadcast Ramadan Mini-Series Inciting Muslim Children To Kill Jews – Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Silent

American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of U.S. Farmland Is Now Owned By Foreigners

Mexico ‘won’t be provoked by US’ over migrant row

Drug Cartels, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, CHICOMS, MS-13 Are One Big Happy Family Awaiting Orders

Vid: Brooklyn New York Mosque Broadcasts Islamic Call to Prayer to 20 Block Radius

Democrats Block Assistance to Immigrant Holding Facilities on the Border — Then Blame Trump for No Supplies at Holding Facilities on the Border

Millions of Migrants and Paramilitary Troops Will Soon Be Here-Red Dawn Is Taking Shape

The Unfolding Revolution In Honduras Will Prove to be the Catalyst for 150 Million Migrants Eventually Coming to Our Southern Border

It’s An Invasion Force! When Does 15K Mexican Troops Become 50K?

News About Border Wall And Liberals Are Up In Arms

Pennsylvania Democrats (including Senator) attend events with terror group CAIR representatives

Mexico Confirms Illegal Immigrants Trying to Buy Children to Cross Border

Congresswomen: Declaration of Independence racist, sexist

Trump Official: ICE Ready to Deport 1M Illegal Aliens with Final Orders

AG Barr Determines Trump Admin Can Legally Add Citizenship Question to Census

Clint, Texas border facility: Reports of “scabies, shingles and chickenpox” prompts calls for answers

Mass immigration roundups in U.S. to start Sunday

Republican Senators Team Up To Give Victims of ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Chance To Seek Damages

Weaponized Immigration-Infected Immigrants Are Being Deployed Across the Breadth of the Country

Boston Sued For Booting Christian Flag, While Allowing Islamic Symbols

Imam with ties to terror organization to speak on State Dep’t religious panel

Connecticut: Muslims slaughter cow “in accordance with Islamic law” in Home Depot parking lot

Boycott threats force Israel-founded burger restaurant to delay Michigan opening

Guatemala signs migration deal with US after Trump threats

Colorado public school forces girls to follow Islamic dress code on a school field trip to a mosque

Flood of illegal migrants to the border outpaces last two years with 1.1M expected in fiscal year 2019

White House approves rule that penalizes immigrants who use forms of welfare like food stamps

Trump Ending Welfare-Dependent Immigration, Saving Taxpayers Billions

Muslim Student Sets Fire To Christian School To ‘Protest’ Against Trump

Americans Apply for Jobs at Koch Foods After ICE Raid 

Appeals court sides with Trump administration on asylum rule, limits injunction

Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar’s Botched Israel Trip Was Sponsored By Terror-Linked Organization

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Retweet Jew-Hating Cartoonist who Mocked Dead US Soldiers in Iraq

After Tlaib Backtracks on her Visit to Israel, Trump Excoriates Her

Lying Israel-hater Geraldo Rivera says he was ‘really hurt’ that Israel barred Omar, Tlaib

Students At California High School Sang Nazi Song And Gave Hitler Salute During An Award Ceremony Sparking Outrage After School Fails To Address

US Lawmaker Blasts Wall that Prevented Suicide Bombings

Arkansas passes bill ordering their law enforcement to cut off all ties with Islamic group CAIR, due to their close ties to terrorists

US Imam says the Muslims absolutely have the right to take the property of filthy Jews and Christians

Woman Accuses Husband of Committing Adultery with Ilhan Omar

PA Gov. Tom Wolf converts to Islam

U.S. Census Bureau partners with controversial Muslim group – report 

Pentagon diverts $3.6 billion for border wall

Federal Judge Rules Terror Watch List Violates Constitutional Rights in Response to Lawsuit Brought by Terror-Tied CAIR

‘Silicon Valley Sharia’: Big Tech pouring cash to Ilhan Omar

Alaska Ordered To Pay $100K To Muslim Inmates Over Ramadan Food Options – CAIR To Provide ‘Religious Sensitivity Training’ To Correctional Officers

Supremes applauded for 7-2 thumping of activist judge

Covfefe Clarified & Destructive Deconstruction Truthification Chronicles

US Imam says the Muslims absolutely have the right to take the property of filthy Jews and Christians

Trump Warns UNC and Duke They Will Lose Funding Over Islamic Teachings

Trump immigration plans: US signs deal to deport migrants to Honduras 

University of Oklahoma Student Government: the Pledge of Allegiance Is ‘Incompatible’ with First Amendment

Trump suspends entry of immigrants who cannot pay for healthcare

Muslims take over a small southern town and force absolute hell on their terrified Christian neighbors

US imposes China visa restrictions over Uighur issue

Leaked Pentagon report reveals US troops can fire on vehicles at southern border

Dearborn Public Schools Spark Protest by Adopting All Halal Meat Policy

Despite terror ties, SJP ‘antisemitic force’ active at Harvard, Columbia 

Minnesota: Muslim Migrants Arrested & Charged With Sending Drones to Hezbollah

New Data Reveal President Trump's - "Remain in Mexico" - Immigration Policy 'Migrant Protection Protocols' Is Extremely Effective - The Policy Was Recently Expanded 

Mexico Reports 250% Spike in Africans Trying to Enter U.S. Through Border

US Muslim Political Leader Sets Speech Rules For Americans To Comply With Islamic Values 

Trump to take ‘imminent action’ in cases of Army officers Matt Golsteyn and Clint Lorance

Trump to restore Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher’s rank to Chief  

Somali Wins Municipal Election in Maine After Obama, Bush Flooded US with More Than 100,000 Somali ‘Refugees’

AG Barr Says America Was Founded on Christian Values, Progressive Group Calls Statement ‘Toxic Christian Nationalism’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom blasted for skipping funeral of deputy allegedly killed by illegal immigrants

Alabama ISIS bride blocked from returning to US; judge rules ‘not a US citizen’

CAIR’s Goal: 30 Islamists Elected To Congress

Nearly 80,000 immigrants approved for DACA have arrest records, USCIS report finds

Judge bars ICE from courthouse, ICE threatens judge with arrest

Communist Chinese Controlled Drug Cartel Infiltration Into US Cities Will Turn America Into the Next Bolivia and Venezuela

Mexican Cartels ‘Will Be Designated’ as Terrorist Organizations, Says President Trump

The ‘Baby Muhammad’ Jihad Comes to America

Police investigating after Iranian-Jewish synagogue vandalized in L.A.

CAIR calls on Amazon, Google to remove all “white supremacist, pro-Confederate” materials  

Rise in Anti-Semitic Incidents Goes Beyond Recent Violent Attacks

Columbia University accused of anti-Semitism under Trump executive order

Radical Terror-Supporting Group CAIR Will Be Holding Kentucky’s First-Ever ‘Muslim Day’ To Promote Islam On January 22 In State Capitol Rotunda

Evidence Suggests Disease-Infected Immigrants Are Being Admitted to US and Sent to Major Urban Centers

Ilhan Omar ‘stricken with PTSD’ amid US-Iran tensions

Appeals Court Gives Trump Green Light To Use Military Funds To Build Border Wall, Despite Judge Branding Bid Unlawful

College Professor Says Iran Should Target 52 Sites In America — Promptly Gets Fired 

Texas governor to reject new refugees under Trump order

DNA Tests at Border Reveal Many Cases of Deception by Illegal Immigrants

Five Mosques Used as Iowa Caucus Sites for First Time in U.S. History

DHS suspends Global Entry for New Yorkers due to ‘sanctuary city’ laws

Massive child sacrifice gravesite shows that “indigenous” Native Americans were mass murderers

Barr Announces Multiple Lawsuits as Part of DOJ Crackdown on Sanctuary Cities

Report: Trump Deploying ‘Elite Tactical Agents’ to 10 Sanctuary Cities 

Omar’s Husband Caught Her ‘in a State That No Muslim Woman’ Should Be 

Florida: 17-year-old boy converts to Islam, slits throat of 13-year-old, killing him for mocking his new religion

Minnesota is Giving No Jail Time To 60% Of Convicted Sex Offenders Involved in Criminal Conduct of a Child under 13

In 3-0 Decision, Federal Court Gives Trump The Green Light To Yank Sanctuary City Grants

Muslim Call to Prayer Comes to Paterson, NJ

328 Chinese Nationals Caught Trying To Illegally Enter U.S. At Southern Border 

The Coronavirus Outbreak Shows Clearly That President Trump Was Right All Along   

Trump closes US-Mexico border to non-essential traffic

Canada Gave Away Medical Equipment to China Before Facing Shortages

Canada attacks ‘damaging’ Trump plan to deploy troops at border

Thousands of migrants expelled from U.S. amid coronavirus crackdown

For the First Time in History of Minnesota, Muslim Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted Over Outdoor Speaker Five Times a Day Throughout Month of Ramadan

Ilhan Omar tweets: ‘No human life is worth more than corporate profits’

Ilhan Omar Has Been Leaking Intel To Iran

Daughters of Minnesota Governor Walz and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeting support and helpful advice to rioters

De Blasio Welds Parks Shut in Jewish Neighborhoods; Protects Black Lives Matter Protests

Muslim student sues professor for teaching truthfully about Islam

Ilhan Omar Calls for ‘Dismantling’ the Core of the United States

Virginia State Officials Order U.S. Flag Be Removed From Construction Site

Illegal immigration on southern border surged 40% in June

Islamic Movement and Left Join Forces in Anti-American Revolution (Part 1)

California Census Partners with CAIR Radical

Most Americans oppose religious exemptions from COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: Pew

Illegal U.S.-Mexico Border Crossings Are Rising Again, Driven by Single Adults

Federal Court Blocks Trump’s Order Exclude Illegal Immigrant From Census

Jeremiah Ellison — Keith Ellison’s Son And Minneapolis City Council Member — Says ‘We Are Going To Dismantle The Minneapolis Police Department’ 

Supreme Court rules people can sue government agents for damages

John Hopkins University:  Muslim teaching assistant admits to lowering ‘zionist’ students’ grades

Mexican drug traders caught smuggling loot of narcotics into US

Rep. Ilhan Omar gets a leadership seat within Foreign Affairs Committee

Blood on Hands of Open Borders Biden: Horrific California Crash Involved Human Smuggling of Illegals, Over a Dozen Killed

Biden’s New Orders Allows Illegal Aliens to Avoid Arrest By ICE Agents

CDC lets child migrant shelters fill to 100% despite Covid concern

Biden’s DHS Frees at Least 800 Border Crossers into U.S. in Four Days

Texas Governor Abbott Orders ‘Operation Lone Star,’ Puts Troops on Border as Biden Refuses to Address Crisis

Soros-Funded DAs Helping Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation, Probe Finds

Photos Leaked of Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into Holding ‘Pods’ in Squalid Conditions

‘President’ Joe Biden Bans Media Access To The Disgusting, Teeming Slum In Texas Where Illegal Immigrants Are Caged In Squalor And Filth

Border Patrol has released about 2,000 people into US without supplying a notice to appear in court

GOP Senators Tour Border Area, Release Graphic Images of Children in ‘Cages’

San Diego prioritizing teaching detained migrant minors over children within school district

Secretly Recorded Video Shows Migrants Including Children Held Under Bridge In Makeshift Customs and Border Protection Processing Center Enduring Inhumane Conditions At Southern Border

Border Sector Sees 380% Spike in Attempted Crossings By Convicted Criminals

Why have open borders but shut schools, businesses and restaurants? 

Big rise in numbers of migrant children on Mexico-US border

“Hypocritical and Dangerous” – Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Biden Admin For Releasing Covid-Infected Illegal Aliens Into US

"Vice President" Kamala Harris to Discuss Giving Mexicans Pathway to U.S. Citizenship in Exchange for Planting Trees in Mexico

Vid:  Nigel Farage Exposes Massive Military Border Operation Importing Thousands of Gang Members Into U.S.

Biden Considering Bringing Deported Illegal Aliens Back Into the US, Presumably With Your Money

Texas Governor Declares State of Emergency

Texas Counties Start Charging Illegal Aliens With Child Endangerment, Trespass

Number of migrants at US border hits new record high

Texas governor promises to build border wall amid migrant surge

Pro-Palestinian Rioters Descend On Manhattan Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Burn Israeli Flags As Ilhan Omar In Congress Says Jews Are Terrorists 

Texas has begun building wall along border, Abbott says

Biden dumping illegal-alien youth across nation without notice

ICE Agents, Sheriffs Sue Biden Admin Over ‘Unlawful’ Deportation Policy

Arkansas Republicans Help Give Professional Licenses to Illegal Aliens

Texas reportedly unveils its own border fence to ‘cut the feds out of the equation’

As "President Biden" Continues To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Pour Through Our Southern Border, Covid Rates Have Increased By A Whopping 900 Percent

Rep. Paul Gosar Sponsors Bill to Ban All Immigration Into US for 10 Years

Minnesota Woman Beheaded in Broad Daylight on Minneapolis Street After Judge Allowed Killer Out of Jail

AG Garland: ‘Unlawful’ for Texas to Stop Bussing of Illegal Aliens into U.S.

40% Of Bused-In Migrants Covid-Positive

Remain-in-Mexico court ruling a win for Texas, Missouri over "President Biden" admin

U.S. border has collapsed completely as Biden regime now busing Covid-infected migrants all across U.S. 

Obama/Biden Reinstituting Program of Bringing Non-Vetted Illegals Into the US and Using ‘Non-Profits’ to Move Them Around the US 

Afghan Refugees Brought Over to the U.S. From Third-World War Zone Include Men with Child Brides

Afghan Women Chant “Death to America” at Pro-Taliban Rally on 20th Anniversary of 9/11 After Biden Arms Them with Weapons

123 Texas Landowners Allow State to Put Border Fencing on Their Property

Nolte: Bidensanity – Unvaccinated Illegals Shipped to Dozens of States

Haitians Cross Back and Forth Over Texas Mexico Border

...Haitian Illegals in Federal Custody Have “Hijacked” Multiple Transport Buses And Escaped Into the Interior of The US; “They’ve Been Basically Overpowering the Drivers”

California Schools Prepare for Influx of Afghan Refugee Students, Offer ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Meals, Set Aside Rooms For Prayer During Muslim Holidays

Texas braces for surge of 60,000 Haitian migrants

Migrant Caravan Leader Vows to Flood US Border: ‘We Are Ready for War!’ 

Dems Tuck Multibillion-Dollar Handout to Illegal Immigrants Into Reconciliation

Mexican Cartel Seen Firing Machine Guns Into US, Above National Guard Recon Post

"President Biden" terminates all Texas border wall contracts…

Report: Social Media Giants Helping Lead Haitian Migrants to Texas

Hundreds of underage migrants are being secretly flown from Texas to New York for resettlement 

Video: White House Admits To Secretly Trafficking Planes Full Of Illegal Children From Border In Middle Of The Night 

In a Historic United States First, National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Migrants on the U.S.-Mexico Border

"President Biden" released more than 16,000 covid-positive illegals into U.S., says ICE

Texas Governor Abbott: Border Crisis “Escalating Into a Firing War”

Open borders policies are really just are a child trafficking operation run by Democrats

Illegal immigration skyrockets under Biden to third-highest level in 97 years

Record-Breaking Mexican Border Arrests, Caravan En Route, Panama Warns 65K More

U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border 

Emails Reveal "President Biden" Wanted to Import Thousands of Afghans Without Vetting 

Republican lawmakers introduce bill to designate Muslim Brotherhood as terror group

'Brown Shirts’ Are Silencing Medical Personnel on the Texas-Mexico Border – PJ Media 

South Florida Classes on How Jews and Christians are ‘Enemies of Islam’

Omar should acknowledge family ties to genocidal regime

Gov. Ron DeSantis’proposes sending illegals to home states of Biden and Obama

Lead sponsor of ‘Anti-Bigotry’ Bill Is herself a bigot

Texas Border Wall Construction Begins

Criminal Illegal Aliens, Including Sex Offenders, Gangs & Smugglers, Swarm Border

Vaccines are now exterminating oblivious Democrats while illegal immigrants are protected from vaccines so they can replace dead Democrats

As Biden’s Border Crisis Rages, Armed Texans Arrive to Round Up Illegal Aliens

U.S. Government Chartered “Ghost Flights” To Pennsylvania Harboring Illegal Immigrants

Seek and Destroy: CAIR Brags They Are Targeting and Destroying America

Thousands of prisoners released because of Covid:  “President Biden regime” is flooding society with violent criminals 

Some Illegal Immigrant Children Shipped from the Southern Border End Up at New York Adoption Agency

Immigration Tops U.S. Births for the First Time

"President Biden" Accused of Using Covid Funds to Pay for Secret Illegal Alien Flights into US 

Illegal immigrants, illegal drugs flow freely in southwest border

Supreme Court to Rule on Line between Private and Government Speech in Christian Flag Case

Non-Jewish US House reps form ‘Caucus for Advancement of Torah Values’

US Government Hired Contractors To Secretly Fly Illegal Immigrants To New York At Night

UN Funds Harvesting of ‘Repressed Memories’ of U.S.-Bound Migrants in Mexico

Government Contractor Spills The Beans as to Why Biden is Hiding Illegal Immigrant Flights in The Dead Of Night: “If This Gets Out, the Government is Betraying The American People”

Loomer Exposes Buses of Illegal Immigrants Arriving in Florida 

Feds: Kansas Woman Led All-Female Islamic State Battalion

Massive Invasion Of U.S.: Exclusive Footage Of Military Invasion On Southern Border

President Biden’s Flights of Illegals into U.S. Cost Taxpayers $340 M in 9 Months

Omar paid thousands by restaurant accused of stealing money intended to feed starving children

7 House Republicans Unveil Plan to Grant Millions of Illegal Aliens Amnesty

Arizona Attorney General Declares Illegal Immigration Surge an ‘Invasion,’ Says State Can Defend Itself

Arizona AG says governor can use military force to defend against border ‘invasion’

Federal Judge Orders Biden to Stop Release of Illegal Migrant Children

170,000 Illegals Amass on US Southern Border Ready to Storm Across When Biden Ends Trump’s Covid Rules — DHS Puts Out Call for Volunteers

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott directs use of buses to drop off migrants at steps of Capitol in DC

"Predisent Biden" administration puts Alabama ‘on notice’ over bill to protect kids from genital mutilation 

Buses Carrying Illegal Aliens From Texas On Their Way to DC

Mayorkas’ Leaked Title 42 Plan: Ensure Migrants Get ‘Any’ Way to Stay

The Center for American Progress, Funded By George Soros, Is Praising Title 42 Ending Decision By Biden Administration To Open Our Borders With Mexico 

After Mocking Christians, Dem Cindy Axne Dons Hijab at Islamic Center

Ahead of Title 42 lifting, Biden creates ‘exception’ to let illegal migrants into U.S. early

Ilhan Omar accuses Christians of enjoying prayer privilege

TX Sheriff: Border Patrol Told Me to Be Ready for Ports of Entry Being Overrun, ‘We’re Talking about’ Deputies in ‘Riot Gear’

26 state governors announce new ‘Border Strike Force’

Border Patrol Union: Abbott Should “Absolutely” Use Constitutional “Invasion” Powers On Border

Report:  U.S. Govt Chartered Christmas ‘Ghost Flights’ to Carry Illegal Migrants into Pennsylvania

In “Huge Win For Border Security”, Court Temporarily Blocks Biden Admin From Lifting ‘Title 42’

How Will Biden Fit 7 Million Illegals into 500K Homeless Beds?

Report: 9,000 Drone Incursions Into US Airspace Recorded; Reconnaissance Conducted on American Forces

364K Migrant Got-Aways Already Recorded in 2022

Vid: Explosive Project Veritas Report Accuses Biden of Resettling ‘Terrorism Watch List’ Afghans in American Communities

GOP Rep. Kat Cammack rages at huge stockpile of baby formula at border center 

Is the “Great Replacement” really just a “theory?” No – Americans really are being replaced with migrants 

Border Patrol Facing Catastrophic Problem After Fed-Up Officers Realize ‘This Isn’t What I Signed up For’

A sickness in once Torah-loving America

Illegal immigrant population balloons as number of foreign-born individuals rockets to 47 million

‘It’s A Sign That We Are Here’: Muslim Call To Prayer Arrives To Minneapolis Soundscape 

That will also happen at your border during the coming food riots! Thousands of migrants storm Spain’s Melilla enclave 

US amends ban, allowing entry to Iranian former IRGC members

UK: The National Archives Says The U.S. Constitution Has ‘Harmful Language’

Texas Border County Officially Declares ‘Invasion,’ Urges Governor to Follow

Governor Abbott Authorizes Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Apprehend Illegal Aliens

...begin arresting illegal immigrants and returning them to Mexican border

Meet The Man Orchestrating The Endless Torrent Of Migrant Caravans Heading Toward The Border

TikTok Hosting Ads Advising Illegal Aliens On How To Avoid Deportations

Millions Pour Across The Wide Open Southern Border

More Texas counties declare invasion at the southern border 

Biden is actively allowing terrorists into America

NYC Mayor Eric Adams blasts Texas Gov. Greg Abbott after second bus of migrants arrives: ‘This is horrific’

Dominican, Mexican Migrants Caught Crossing Canadian Border into Michigan

In The Name Of Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion, North Dakota School Board Will No Longer Recite Nation’s Pledge 

Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals; Rand Paul Says Time For “Zero Tolerance Policy”

Fargo School Board Reinstates Pledge Of Allegiance After National Public Outcry

Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals; Rand Paul Says Time For “Zero Tolerance Policy”

Assaults on Minnesota police double in two years

New TX Law to Bring God Back into Schools with 4 Words that Will Trigger Leftists

Radical Soros-Funded Massachusetts US Attorney Threatens Americans Who Oppose Genital Mutilation of Children — Calling Opposition a ‘Hate Crime’

The Border Goes North, and Blue City Mayors Melt Down

4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border In 18 Months Since "President Biden" Took Office: Report

US State Department Issues Kidnapping Advisory For Americans In Mexico

New Mexico man accused of planning Islamic State training center

Texas Sends First Batch of Illegal Immigrants to “Sanctuary City” Chicago

D.C. Mayor Declares Public Emergency in Response to Migrant Busing Surge

Minnesota School Offers ‘School Spirit Hijabs’ to Elementary Students

Today in History: Christians Save Western Civilization from Islam—to Hitler’s Regret

The Sanctuary City Democrats Who Changed Their Tune Once Illegals Showed Up

Giorgia Meloni: ‘It is Absurd to Remove Crucifixes from Classrooms, While Islam has Taken Over Neighborhoods’ 

Jews and Christians Unite to Provide Life Saving Relief for Flood Victims in Pakistan

Martha’s Vineyard scrambles to support 50 illegal migrants sent by DeSantis

Venezuela Empties Prisons, Sends Violent Criminals to U.S. Border, Says DHS Report

"Presiddent" Joe Biden and Democrats Welcome 2 Million Illegal Aliens into US in Fiscal Year 2022

Americans Believe Migrants Should Be Sent To Sanctuary Cities

TX Governor Abbott Designates Mexican Cartels As Terrorist Organizations 

Four States Deploy National Guard To US-Mexico Border

Antisemite groups at University of California-Berkeley effectively create ‘Jewish-Free Zones’ on campus

Court declares DACA program illegal, but leaves policy intact for nearly 600,000 immigrant “Dreamers”

Democrat NYC Mayor Eric Adams to Send Border Crossers to Secluded Island

Cruz, Graham warn Mayorkas to prepare for impeachment over border crisis

Disturbing Video Shows Young Illegal Immigrant Children Who Appear to Have Been Drugged at the Southern Border

Facebook Shuts Down Page With Positive and Inspirational Messages For US Border Agents, As “Suicidologists” Are Brought In To Help Deal With Border Agent Suicide Numbers Not Seen Since Obama Era

Today in History: Christians Save Western Civilization from Islam—to Hitler’s Regret

Court Allows Mexicans with Temporary Visa Privileges to Cross US Border to Donate Plasma for Compensation

Biden Administration Proposes Merging US with Mexico and Canada

Globalists Rebrand Illegals as ‘Climate Migrants’ to Further Their Population Replacement Scheme

Border-crossing deaths skyrocket while Biden admin hides the data

Judge Blocks US From Expelling Illegal Aliens Under Title 42 Policy

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Has Sent Out 300 Migrant Buses

“Invasion Clause” Triggered In Texas As Migrants Overwhelm Border

Illegals Camping Out in El Paso Airport after City Ends Busing Program

Sen. Schumer calls for replacement of Americans who can’t have babies after mRNA depopulation jabs 

Texas Governor Invokes the Invasion Clause at Southwest Border

Watch: Thermal Drone Footage Shows Army Of Illegals Entering US 

ACLU Thanksgiving Wish List: Free 30K Criminal Illegals into U.S. Towns

New Federal Data Shows 73,000 Illegal Immigrant “Gotaways” In One Month 

US ambassador under fire for wearing hijab at Lebanon’s request

Russia to send Iran top fighter jets in return for kamikaze drones

"President Biden" Regime Boasts “Full Steam Ahead” on Terminating Title 42, Welcoming 30,000 Illegal Aliens Every Day

Downtown El Paso Turns Into Homeless Camp for Released Migrants

Biden’s DOJ sues Arizona for trying to close border

Denver Mayor Declares Emergency, Says City ‘On Verge Of Reaching Breaking Point’ Amid Influx Of Illegal Immigrants

Texas Gov. Abbott Seeks State Probe Of NGOs Aiding Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border

Texas National Guard ‘Border Force’ Blocking Illegal Crossings

Texas National Guard Deploys Razor Wire, Military Vehicles on Border Near El Paso

Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants

Three Busloads Of Migrants Dropped Off At "VP Harris’" Home On Christmas Eve

As Title 42 Comes An End, Texas Erects A Massive Tent City To House Illegal Immigrants Resulting From Biden Administration Open Border Crisis

US Supreme Court rules to keep pandemic-era limits on immigration

Feds admit ‘no records’ for hundreds of thousands of illegals released with electronic monitors

Number of illegal aliens that crossed into U.S. during first quarter of FY23 larger than population of most big American cities

McCarthy says he’s removing Reps. Ilhan Omar, Schiff from Foreign Affairs, Intel cmtes.

Migrants Can Now Use Mobile App to Request Entry at US Border 

Michigan votes to legalize ritual animal sacrifice for Muslims 

"President" Biden Administration to Illegals: Snitch On American Citizens to Avoid Deportation

How the American cultural establishment submits to Islam

Mexican president hails ’40 million Mexicans in the United States’

743% spike in illegal immigration at US-Canada border sector

Ilhan Omar removed from House Foreign Affairs Committee

Nearly 600,000 migrants who crossed the border since March 2021 were released in the U.S. with no immigration court dates

“Not A Sustainable Model”: AZ Hospital ‘On Brink Of Collapse’ After Spending $20 Million On Migrants

DeSantis Gets Expanded Powers And More Money To Send Illegal Immigrants To Blue States

Border Patrol Reveals Biden’s Plan to Release Illegals en Masse into U.S. Communities 

Border Patrol Encounters With Chinese Nationals At Southern Border Up 719 Percent

Texas Border Operation Catches 348,000 Illegal Immigrants, 361 million Lethal Fentanyl Doses

Ilhan Omar, Chair of House Marital Affairs Committee — foreign and domestic

"President Biden’s" New Budget Requests Billions To Help Usher More Illegal Immigrants In

Minnesota a ‘Refuge’ for Doctors to Provide Genital Mutilation, Chemical Castration

As Arizona Looks to Defund Border Security, Cartels Move Smuggling Efforts West 

Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Storm Border At Texan Port Of Entry

Chinese Illegal Alien Encounters Jump 800%

1,000+ migrants rush border; riot squad deployed

Red Cross Packets Show Migrants Where To Cross The US Border

Analysis: Anchor Baby Population Far Exceeds One Year of U.S. Births

Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing SW Border in Record Numbers Amid Concerns About Spying 

New video has many questioning if China is using our open border to build a secret underground army inside the US

Report: Nearly 300 Suspected Terrorists Apprehended Crossing Open Border in Fiscal Year 2023 To Date – Mostly at Northern Border

Texas Border Sector Reports 10K Known Border Crossers in Single Week

Muslims Control Times Square for Ramadan

...Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted From Loudspeakers Five Times a Day. Muslims Spit on 9/11 Victims.

LA: Major Landmarks Are Lit Up Green for Ramadan

US illegally froze Iranian assets, World Court rules

Islamic Terror-Tied Nadia Kahf Sworn in as New Jersey Superior Court Judge

Minneapolis Moves Closer to Becoming First U.S. City to Blast Islamic Call to Prayer Five Times a Day, Starting at Dawn

Border Agents Find Over 140 Illegal Immigrants in 2 Stash House Raids

Terror-Tied Group Forces New Jersey to Designate Each January ‘Muslim Heritage Month’

Iranian Professor Investigated for Showing Class Drawing of Muhammad After Muslim Student Complained 

Minneapolis Is Becoming Increasingly Hostile To Christians And Biblical Truth  

Photos, video of UN-sponsored human migration camp at Darien Gap where global migrants assemble for transport to the United States 

Muslim Politicians Help Terror-Tied CAIR Seize Control of California State Capitol for Ramadan Event 

Minneapolis allows Islamic call to prayer five times per day

Where All These Illegal Aliens Going To Live? Your Spare Bedroom Apparently.

Thousands Of Chinese Men Are Suddenly “Migrating” Across Our Southern Border


Texas AG Looking Into Red Cross After DCNF Report On Their Guides For US-Bound Migrants

Dems plan to provide special treatment for Sodomite illegal aliens

More Chinese migrants are coming to the U.S. on foot, officials say

700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country After Title 42 Ends

U.S. Forced to Close Bridge to Mexico After Illegal Migrants Attempt to Cross En Masse

TikTok Lookalike Guides Illegal Chinese Immigrants to Swarm Into US Through Southern Border

"President Biden" Administration Paves Way for Confucius Institute Affiliate Schools to Receive Federal Funding

Left-wing German government pushes for 250,000 Kenyan immigrants amid migration crisis

Chinese Fifth Column USA

NYC: Open Border Leftists Protest Migrants in Their Children’s Schools

24 Republican governors pledge to assist Texas in securing its border

Migrants Allowed to Enroll in Chicago Schools Without Health Records After Years of Draconian Covid Rules- Parents Furious

Border Patrol encounters 393% increase of Chinese migrants, increasing CCP spy risk

Does CUNY School of Law support ‘revolution’ against America?

TX Sues Biden for ‘Illegally Pre-Approving’ Migrants Through Mobile App

Philadelphia mosque caught performing child bride marriages

Sharia Deception: Exposing American Imam Tom Facchine’s False Narrative to Non-Muslims

Moment hundreds of migrants rush across the Mexico-United States border bridge 

China likely sending military personnel into US, Homeland chair says

"President Biden" Is Bringing Violent ‘No Go Zones’ To America

Abbott calls out Adams for sending migrants to Florida, Texas, China

Poll shows most Americans wouldn’t want to live in Minnesota

You Need A Gold Star On Your Driver’s License Or ID To Fly 

Islamic subversion in America

Ilhan Omar Mocked for Plan to Boycott Herzog Address to Congress

Hamtramck, Michigan: All Muslim Council Fires Two City Commissioners for Violating “Pride” Flag Ban

Fargo ND: Muslim Known to Police Targets Officers, Leaving One Dead, Two Injured, Details Concealed

Largest Settlement of Illegal Aliens in US Is Quietly Growing Amid Border Crisis

Dr. Malone: Why the US gov’t wants to reduce the natural-born population and import more immigrants

Thousands of Illegal Migrant Children Released Across the US with Tuberculosis

Mexican drug cartels are behind the surge in retail thefts

"President Biden" Will Sue Any State That Tries to Stop the Border Invasion

CCP ally purchases 270 acres near US military facilities

“They’re armed and wearing full tactical gear as they cross” – invasion at U.S. border

Residents Are Now Being Asked To Take Illegal Aliens Into Their Homes

Spurred by rumor, hundreds of migrants mass at US border in Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez

Chinese-Owned Battery Plant With Ties to Communist China Backs Out of Deal to Purchase Michigan Farmland

Red Cross Packets Show Migrants Where To Cross The US Border

"President Biden" Promises Aid for ‘Climate Migrants’ in Weather Channel Interview

Judge Rejects Request to Block Florida Law Restricting Chinese Land Ownership

Migrants Get Apartments and Social Security Applications From A Soros And Bill-Gates Funded Group Overseen By Obama Officials

Omar met with Al Qaeda supporters on trip to heartland of Islamic terror

From Spain to New York City, Communities Protest Against Influx of Illegal Migrants

Former Mayo Clinic researcher sentenced to 18 years after attempting to join ISIS

"President" Biden ‘Welds Open Floodgates’ at Arizona Border to Allow Illegal Aliens to Pour Into U.S.

Muslim Call To Prayer Can Now Be Publicly Broadcast In NYC Without A Permit

Amazon Introduces Sharia-Compliant Uniforms for Their Muslims Employees

Radical Imam Leads Thousands of Islamic Supremacists in Michigan March

NYC public schools inundated with immigrant students on first day

Busload of migrants, the 12th sent by Texas, arrives in Los Angeles

8.6 million illegals have entered US since Biden took office, including 149 on ‘terror watch list’

Law enforcement officials have identified 270 properties in Maine that are suspected of being used for illegal marijuana grow operations by Chinese nationals

The ‘Fastest Growing Development’ In The U.S. Is A Magnet For Illegal Immigrants

Developer Builds A 60-Square Mile Illegal Alien Colony In Texas

Border Patrol Tells Illegal Migrants ‘They Can Do Whatever They Want’ Upon Being Dropped Off In San Diego

Over 11,500 migrants surge into Eagle Pass, Texas, forcing it to declare state of emergency

Governor Greg Abbott TX Declares an Invasion at the Southern Border by Mexican Drug Cartels 

‘Not Good For Us’: Locals Furious Over Secretive Deal With China Linked Battery Firm

US to announce Israel’s acceptance into Visa Waiver Program improving travel for so-called Palestinians from Gaza

El Paso, Texas Shelters Are So Overwhelmed That Hundreds Of Venezuelans, Including Children, Are Sleeping on the Streets

200,000 Illegal Aliens Have Used CBP One App to Enter US by Airplane

Siege of Eagle Pass Rages On as Thousands of Train Migrants Storm US Border

Islamic Banking Comes to Maine

White House announces Civil Rights Act applies to forms of antisemitism and Islamophobia

WEF Running U.S Border Crisis from Military Bases in Panama

China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs in the U.S. Communities for War

China Turning Oklahoma Land Into Drug Farms: Senator

Eyewitness report on Texas’ invasion of a Mexican cartel island crawling with gang members and ringed with sniper nests--and it’s all happening inside the U.S.

New Jersey opens largest Hindu temple outside India

Isamized Michigan: Muslims Rally in Support of Hamas, Condemn Israel, and Use Child Jihadis to Push Propaganda 

American Citizens Being Turned Away So NYC Hospital Can Give Health Care to Illegals

24,000 Chinese Migrants Apprehended at Southwest Border in FY 2023

New York City on High Alert: : NYPD Orders All Officers to Report in Uniform After Ex-Hamas Leader Calls for ‘Jihad’ Worldwide

Rashida Tlaib in Firing Line After Attacking Biden For Lack of Empathy Towards ‘Millions of Palestinian Civilians’

Texas Senate Passes Bill to Allow Local, State Police to Arrest Illegal Immigrants

Migrant Says He's a Soldier for the UN and He's Been Sent Here

Chicago Residents Express Concerns Over New Migrant Shelter for Single, Adult Men

New York City Nightclub Hosts Pro-Hamas “Intifada FundRaver”

Four Iranian ‘special interest aliens’ apprehended by Border Patrol attempting to cross into US in October 

Massachusetts Democrat Governor: ‘We’re Running Out of Room to House Migrants’.

Persecuted Christians Increasingly Denied Asylum in U.S.

America begins to seize Chinese business and land in America

"President" Biden Asking Congress for $14 Billion to Help Bus More Illegal Aliens Up to the U.S. Border

Biden Border Crisis: 269,735 Illegal Aliens Encountered At Southern Border in September – Highest Number Ever In Single Month

Muslim Doctors in America Celebrates Hamas Massacre

Vid: Pro-Palestinian Mob Shuts Down Minneapolis Street, Terrorizes Motorists

Rashida Tlaib’s alleged links to the Hamas terror organization

US-based Hamas networks ‘still engaged’ in ‘various forms of support,’ GWU report warns

96% of inadmissible aliens released into US, used ‘CBP One’ app

Massive Pro-Palestine Protests Rage Through the U.S. This Weekend

Report: Jewish Students at Cornell in Hiding After Vile Anti-Semitic Death Threats Posted on Student Message Board; Kosher Dining Hall on Lockdown

Krishanti Vignarajah: Will Resettle Palestinians in the US  

Congressman Sounds the Alarm After 17 Chinese Nationals Are Arrested in His Southern District

Texas Reclaims Island From Mexican Cartels In Fight To Secure Border

Israeli finance minister halts transfer of funds to Palestinian Authority over Hamas support

Texas AG Ken Paxton wins court case temporarily blocking Biden admin from removing border barriers

Hizb ut-Tahrir in Los Angeles: ‘Muslim Armies Rise Up, Fight the Jews, Establish the Islamic State, White Flag Will Fly High Above the White House’ 

Massive Caravan Of Illegals Marching to the U.S.

Republicans Raise Terror Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught With Explosive Devices 

Iranian commander in Lebanon to coordinate with Hezbollah

Migrants in New York are given “free” plane tickets to Minneapolis. Hennepin County has a “shelter all” policy for families

Vid:  Another 7000 Illegal Immigrants Are About To Cross The Border

Illegal immigrants to get city ID cards in El Paso

Cartels Cut Holes Through Border Wall, Hundreds of Illegals from Africa and Syria Rush In

Up to 1,600 Migrants Arriving in Los Angeles Every Week

Entire Local Government In Michigan Town Voted Out Over Chinese-Linked Plant

Concealed Foreign Money to US Universities Linked to Campus Antisemitism, Erosion of Liberal Norms: Report

Chinese Marijuana Growers Took Over Rural Maine

Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus

Jewish MIT Students Warn Campus ‘Not Safe for Jews,’ Describe Hostile Environment Amid Anti-Israel Protests

We don’t feel safe.’ As antisemitism threat rises, South Florida’s Jews arm themselves

Massachusetts Town Votes to Allow the Palestinian Flag to be Flown Over Their Town Common

Rashida Tlaib Is Member Of Secret Facebook Group Glorifying Hamas After Oct. 7 Attack

Rashida Tlaib Event at Arizona State University Canceled Amid Backlash

Bus drivers refuse to drive Jews to pro-Israel rally in Washington

Newsom Awarded Millions to Mosques Preaching Anti-Semitism, Groups Allegedly Tied to Hamas

‘Adolf was right,’ ‘gas the Jews’ written on NYC subway train

NYPD Called After Mob Of ‘Radicalized’ Students Storm High School To Protest Pro-Israel Teacher

America’s northern border sees 550% increase in migrant apprehensions, as more than 6,000 crossers from 79 countries are nabbed

Illegal Border Crossers Given GPS Coordinates to Enter Texas

9,400 Illegal Aliens Flood Over Southern Border In Last 24 Hours

Court Orders Texas to Remove River Buoys Meant to Stop Illegal Border Crossers

Foreign-born US population tops 49 million in 2023, beating Census prediction by 10 years: study

Minnesota Democrats’ infighting on Israel-Hamas war boils over

Antisemitic Mob Descends on Israeli-Owned Restaurant in Philadelphia

The Dangerous Western Response to this Holiday Season’s Looming Islamic Threat 

San Antonio Operating ‘Secret Migrant Camp’ With Taxpayer Funds

White House condemns CAIR leader for saying he was ‘happy’ about Hamas terror attack

In Minnesota, 25 Jewish schools receive bomb threats

Immigrants Now a Record 15 Percent of U.S. Population

Mobs of illegal aliens consisting primarily of Chinese males swarmed the California border

Tennessee: Muslim Family Violently Attacks Son for Christian Conversion

...Slashing teenage son for converting to Christianity: Cops found the boy ‘trembling and wide eyed’ after mom, dad and brother punched him and spat in his face

Minnesota to Adopt New Flag Closely Resembling Somali State Flags

Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards

Texas Gov. Abbott signs bill making illegal immigration a state crime

Democrat governor deploying Nat’l Guard to the border

Illegal immigrants being flown on commercial airlines are not subject to security screening like other passengers

Texas Sending Planeloads of Illegals to Sanctuary Cities

Radical Liberal Arts Professor at University of Minnesota Calls to “Decolonize” and “Dismantle” US

“Mass Migration Blueprints” Reveal NGOs “Carefully Planned” US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

Migrant Christmas Eve Caravan on Road to US Border: ‘We Won’t Be Stopped’ 

Lincoln Memorial, statue hit by anti-Israel vandals.

DC Mayor Deploys National Guard: Illegal Immigration at ‘Tipping Point’ in Capital

December beats record for most illegal immigrant crossings of US-Mexico border of all time

One Massive National Crisis That Is Providing Lots Of Fuel For Another Massive National Crisis

US to reopen border crossings as illegal immigration drops

Chicago-area medical examiner’s data shows 90% of 2023 opioid overdoses involved drug pouring in across border

Watch: “Guerrilla Camps” Set Up By Leftist Groups Assist Cartels In Southern Border Invasion

‘Sanctuary’ City New York Sues Texas Charter Bus Companies For $700 Million Over Migrant Dropoffs

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Imported 5M Illegals, Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Three more Texas counties declare invasion, bringing total to 50

Students kicked out of school to house illegal immigrants

Chinese Billionaire Is Second-Biggest Foreign Owner of US Land

Migrants Take Over Schools & Airports as Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing Begins

State of Texas Seizes Property in Eagle Pass Under Governor Abbott’s Emergency Powers Amid Biden Border Crisis

Why Isn’t the U.S. Government Deporting a Gambian Imam Advocating Jihad and Threatening the Execution of Jews While He Builds a Mega Mosque in Wisconsin .

Texas seizes control of US-Mexico border area; blocks federal gov’t access

Walz compares keeping Minnesota state flag with ‘saving the Confederate battle flag’

Cover-Up of Tuberculosis Outbreak Alleged at Cape Cod Migrant Encampment

16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained

New York City is regifting migrants to Minnesota

Journalist Uncovers “Shadowy Network” Of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion

Texas Must Give Feds Access by Jan. 18, or Else, Says "President" Biden Admin

Texas Begins Arresting, Charging Illegal Immigrants In Eagle Pass As Border Feud With Biden Admin Intensifies

‘They all will be executed by Muslims,’ Wisconsin Imam calls for the genocide of Jews

Revered ‘Moderate’ Islamic Scholar Who Conned Top U.S. Government Office and Elite Academic Circles Reveals His Jihadi Face

“Texas Will Not Back Down”: Gov. Abbott Slams Supreme Court Order, Reportedly Installs More Razor Wire

Vermont Resettled Somalis, Shootings Are Up 185%

25 Red States Rally ‘Round Texas As Battle Brews With Biden Over Border

This is why they're invading America.  It all makes sense now. Redacted

Tucker Carlson interviews lead trucker in convoy World Net Daily

Texas versus Biden standoff continues, and other states join in Kevin's Corner

Fox News Says That 700,000 Truckers and Vehicles Are Convoying To Texas On Monday

The List of Governors Rallying Behind Abbott Grows

Texas ‘prepared’ for standoff with Biden; 10 states send troops, law enforcement to border

..."President" Biden Gives Governor Greg Abbott An Ultimatum  

Border Patrol Says Agents Will Not Remove Texas Razor Wire Barriers 

25 states with Republican governors sign letter supporting Texas in border control fight

Former FBI Chiefs Sound Alarm in Urgent Memo to Congress: Warning of Imminent Threat from Military-Aged Men Poised for Invasion from Hostile Nations 

Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered 

The MAGA Truckers are Back—And Heading to the Border

...'Army Of God’ Convoy

House Republicans release articles of impeachment against Mayorkas over handling of southern border

Can Texas Constitutionally Engage in War and Protect Itself From Imminent Danger? 

18,000+ Border Patrol agents support Texas, blast Biden admin

Lt. Gov. slams "President" Biden for failing to stop ‘invasion’ of migrants and calls them a ‘cartel army’ – as he’s asked if war could break out between Texas National Guard and Border Patrol 

New York May Screw 4,000 Legal Residents Out Of A Job – So Migrants Can Have Them

Terrorist arrested in Minnesota roamed free for a year after illegally crossing border

Florida sends up to a battalion of National Guard troops to help Texas protect US border

Greene moves to censure Omar over Somalia remarks

Invasion of America 

37,000 Chinese nationals arrested at US-Mexico border in 2023

Boston Couple Sign Up To House Illegal Immigrants, Get Four Delivered Within An Hour

NYPD Says ‘Well Over 5,000’ Cops Injured Amidst Migrant Crisis

Invasion Spreads To Unfenced US Northern Border Amid “Record-Breaking Surge” Of Illegal Entries Detected

Georgia governor sending Nat’l Guard to Texas

San Francisco Appoints First Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission 

Texas To Build Military “Base Camp” On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers 

CBP Data: 30K Chinese “Migrants” Encountered at Border in Fiscal 2024  

South Florida Muslim Federation Finds New Venue for Its Pro-Hamas Conference

7.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Enter US Under "President" Biden – More Than Population Of 36 States

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Sending National Guard To Border ‘Warzone’

Missouri sending Nat’l Guard to Texas border

U.S. Charges Two Foreign Nationals for Trafficking Iranian Oil to Fund Islamic Terrorism 

Texas Celebrates Taking Island Back From Cartel After Military Operation

67 ‘Prominent’ Muslims in Minnesota Arrested in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme, Many Attempt to Flee to Islamic Countries Amid $250 Million Scandal 

Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More Filmed Traveling Through Darién Gap in Panama to be Flown into US

Chinese nationals arrested crossing into Maine

Illegal immigrant allegedly murders toddler after being released despite ICE detainer

Democrat Sheriff Where Illegal Immigrant Accused Of Murder Vowed Not To Cooperate With ICE

Kathy Hochul Has the Green Light to Give State Jobs to Illegal Migrants

Grim Reality At Border: Rancher Finds 17 Dead Immigrants And ‘Rape Trees’

Markell: We Are Under Siege Like Never Before 

"President" Biden Apologizes For Saying “Illegal” As Trump Hosts Laken Riley’s Family At Rally

Judge Blocks "President" Biden Administration From Illegally Diverting Border-Wall Funds

Democrats Vote Unanimously to Include Illegal Immigrants in Census

"President" Biden Admin Warns Florida May Get Swamped By “Mass Migration” Wave From Haiti

Haitian Invasion Threatens Florida Coastline as Gangs Seize Control 

Hezbollah in the US

ISIS Promotion in the US  

Haitian Migrant Boat With Guns, Drugs & Night Vision Intercepted Off Florida As Caribbean Crisis Spreads

New Florida Laws Aim to Keep Illegal Immigrants Off Roads, Deported Felons Off Streets

Illegal migrant from Lebanon admitted terror ties

What Is Happening In Haiti Will Come Here Too

Vid: Chinese Illegal Immigrants Are Being Fast-Tracked into Country

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Carry Guns in the U.S.

Supreme Court Allows Texas To Start Arresting And Deporting Illegal Aliens

...Appeals Court Blocks Texas from Arresting and Deporting Illegals 

Haiti migrants carrying guns, night vision tech and drugs arrested off Florida coast

JD Vance, Jim Banks Move To Stop Colleges From Hiring Illegal Immigrants

“Invasion”: Riot Erupts After Migrant Swarm Breaches US Southern Border, National Guard Left Helpless

Illegal Aliens Tried Buying Guns 48,000 Times In 25 Years

Pegida’s Edwin Wagensveld: Champion of Europe’s Anti-Islamization Movement Urges Americans to Stop the Sharia Takeover While They Still Can

US Muslims do in fact support Hamas

U.S. taxpayers funding anti-American mosque in Michigan

‘Most evangelical Christians intimidated into silence’ on Israel-Hamas war, pastor says

114 percent jump in illegal immigrant arrests at northern border

Haiti declared an ‘open-air prison’ as gang violence reaches ‘apocalyptic’ levels

Pastor Leads Massive Revival on Southern Border – Milton Quintanilla

Tuberculosis breaks out at Chicago migrant shelters following measles cases

Muslims at Al-Quds Day Rally in Michigan: ‘Death to America, One of the Rottenest Countries On Earth’ 

Idaho: Radicalized 18-Year-Old Planned to Kill Christians and Attack Over 21 Churches on Behalf of ISIS

Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims, Like U.K. Muslims, Support Hamas in War

New York City Council Opens Meeting by Praising Allah as the Supreme Lord of the World

20 states sue Biden admin for flying illegal immigrants into the US

Hezbollah Flags Wave at Terrorist Rally in NYC, Protestors Assault American Flag Waving Counter Protester and Burn American Flag Screaming “Death to America” 

Jihadists and Communists from Iranian-Backed A15Action Unleash Coordinated Attacks Across the Nation

Anti-Israel activist threatens to murder Calif. city council members

Historic impeachment articles against Alejandro Mayorkas sent to Senate

Californians arming themselves over border issue

Nearly 700 Migrants from China Apprehended for Illegally Crossing California Border — in Just One Week

‘Death to America’ fliers circulate at University of Michigan Gaza camp

Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, and Oklahoma Are Making It Illegal For Illegal Immigrants To Enter

Chinese Nationals Charged With Conspiracy to Export US Technology

Illegal Aliens:  Brining in Schistosomiasis 

Police have arrested more than 2,000 people during pro-Palestinian protests at college campuses across the US

‘Over my dead body’: North Carolina student recounts defending US flag from anti-Israel protesters

‘Somebody Is Radicalizing Our Students’: Weapons and Terrorism Book Discovered at Pro-Hamas Encampment by NYPD

Bill Melugin-Per CBP, San Diego Sector of Border Apprehended Over 200 Chinese Illegals Two Days in a Row

Iranian university offers scholarships to US students expelled over protests

Massive pushback against "President" Biden's plan to bring Gaza refugees into US

Vid: IDF forces hammer Rafah as ground operation begins 

IDF operating in ‘targeted manner’ in Rafah

NYC Mayor to Arutz Sheva: ‘These are not protests, this is dangerous radicalization’

California city declares a health emergency amid tuberculosis outbreak

Student At Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy Cultural Day Event Praises Jihad And Martyrdom

Illegal Aliens Now Working With Criminal Networks to Steal Oil in West Texas

Senators Roger Marshall, R-Kan., and Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. Protesters Calling for Violence Against Jews Should Be on No Fly List 

Pro-Hamas Thugs Raise Palestinian Flag at Daley Plaza in Chicago Higher Than American Flag

Minnesota: Mother says daughter was attacked at school because ‘she wasn’t Muslim’

Prominent Muslim Osama Siblani Declares: ‘We Are On The Road To The White House’ – The Islamic Takeover of America Unveiled

Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

US Special Forces Operator Kills Illegal Alien Outside Home

Chinese, Jordanian, Turkish illegal immigrants caught in large numbers at southern border

Juror Dismissed After Mob-like Bribery Attempt in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme Trial Involving 67 ‘Prominent’ Muslims and the Democrat Party 

Jeff Landry raises possibility of sending more National Guard troops to Texas border

"President' Biden" administration is considering protecting illegal aliens who are married to citizens

California Border Patrol Seizes 25 Semi-Automatic Rifles Being Smuggled to Mexican Cartel

Number of Mideast terrorists trying to enter US skyrocketing

In Tijuana, shelter for Muslim migrants on US doorstep

Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers Into California in Midnight Invasion

Hezbollah flag in the heart of Manhattan

Homelessness in Chicago Has Tripled Since 2023 as Illegal Aliens Flood City’s Shelters

Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West

Progressives Lash Out at AIPAC After Anti-Israel ‘Squad’ Loses First Member in US House Race

IDF Reservist Sam Fried’s Powerful Defense of Israel Leads to Stalking and Hotel Vandalism by Palestinians in Idaho

US Special Forces Warns of Imminent Terror Attack Inside America

300,000+ illegal immigrants granted ‘temporary amnesty’ by Biden admin

Immigration, Migration, Invasion, and the Colonization of America  

Chinese Student Pleads Guilty to Using Drone to Photograph US Naval Shipyards

CAIR Slams US Intel Chief for Statement Warning of Iranian Influence in Anti-Israel Protests

Ireland has a military of about 6,700 but an estimated 120,000 “migrants” have entered the country 

Islamic Supremacists Seize Control of the Streets in Dearborn for Ashura

‘Submit to Allah Infidels’: Deadly Islamic Threats Target Paris Church, Mary Knifed in Throat 

Pro-Israel Group Calls on US Justice Department to Apply ‘KKK Laws’ to Pro-Hamas Demonstrations

Vid: Migrant caravan heading toward U.S.

Dearborn, Michigan Is “America’s Jihad Capital” And Has Descended Into “Civil War”

Pro-Hamas, antisemitic graffiti defaces US landmarks in DC

US Senators Urge Secretary of Homeland Security to Secure Northern Border From Gaza Refugees

Bill Melugin-Over 120 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Southern Border’s San Diego Sector in Just One Day

Muslim Family Flies Taliban Flag Outside Their NYC Home

America is essentially allowing Erdoğan to build military outposts on U.S. soil

13,000 Aliens Enter New York illegally from Canada

The Islamic Conquest of American Churches and Christians 

Two Chinese Nationals In U.S. Illegally Stopped With $250,000 In Gold Bars On Them In Texas

The Stealth Invasion of Sharia into America 

2K Chinese Migrants Encountered at Southwest Border in July

15 States Sue to Block Federal Government From Expanding ACA to Cover Illegal Immigrants

Michigan: Muslim doctor took thousands of secret videos of nude children and adults


The ties that bind Al-Qaeda & Islamists to Tim Walz’s state government

Indiana Mosque’s Leadership Fuels Islamic Terrorism While Complicit Media and Politicians Look Away

Army of ‘30,000 Muslims’ March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam 

Canada moves to limit immigration amid strained relations with US

New York City: Some 7,000 pro-Hamas Muslim and Far Left agitators storm the streets

Imam Khalil Adem: Kidnapping Arrest, Threatening the End of Jews—Still Employed at a New Jersey Hospital 

​It’s Spreading: America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs

Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field

“I Want to Kill You”: Muslim Attacks New York Jewish Barber

Venezuelan gang arrests show threats, violence at Colorado apartment complexes

“Can’t Take It Anymore”: Residents of Springfield, Ohio, Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

...Savage Ohio Haitian migrants are being hidden from the American people

Springfield, Ohio, City Hall Evacuated Due to Bomb Threat, Residents Told to Avoid Area

...Haitians In New York 

Illegal Aliens Responsible for 75 Percent of Midtown Manhattan Crime

An Ultra-Violent Muslim Gang Is Shooting Police Officers, Trafficking Young Women And Raping Kids

PA town roiled by talk of migrant housing in Civil War-era orphanage building

Kamala Harris’s Shadow Immigration Scheme: Over 1 Million Migrants Granted ‘Temporary’ Parole, Set to Stay Permanently

























Borders, Language, Culture